On June 28 th 1914 Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife were murdered as they drove through Sarajevo. Serbian Gavrilo Princip murdered the future emperor (king) of Austria-Hungary Because of the murder of Archduke Franz Ferdinand Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia
Then Russia sent troops to defend Serbia, then Germany declared war on Russia. Russia supported Serbia because of similar ethnic backgrounds and a alliance with Serbia This was the beginning of World War I
European leaders wanted other countries to think twice before declaring war. To help defend themselves several countries joined alliances. World War I was the first modern war where tanks, airplanes, machine guns, poison gas, flame throwers, and artillery were used.
When World War I was over nearly 22 million civilians and soldiers were killed on both sides. The Allies had won the War, but Europe was devastated. More people were killed during World War I than during all of the 19 th century wars combined
The Allies blamed Germany for much of the killing and damage during the war. In 1919 Germany and the allies signed the treaty of Versailles. The treaty of Versailles demanded that Germany be punished for the damage done to the Allied countries along with Germany losing territories. (lead to World war II)
After World War I Germany’s economy was in turmoil and they needed someone to lead their country back to prosperity. In 1933 Adolf Hitler was elected chancellor and his National Socialist (NAZI) party lead Germany. In the 1930’s Hitler unjustly blamed Jewish citizens for Germany’s problems.
His Nazi followers seized Jewish property began sending them to concentration camps. In 1934 Hitler took command of the armed forces and in 1939 attacked Poland and then World war II had begun. By June 1940 Hitler had conquered the Netherlands, Luxemburg, France, Denmark, Norway, and then invaded the Soviet Union.
Both in World War I and II the United States tried to stay out of the war but on December 7 th 1941, Japan bombed Pearl harbor and brought the United States into the war. The US entry into the war can be argued that it turned the tide of the war in both World Wars.
By the end of World War II the United States, France, and the United Kingdom occupied Western Europe and Russia had occupied Eastern Europe. Once peace was established the allies helped set up free governments in Western Europe. Europe, United States, and Canada also set up a defense alliance called NATO which would help defend one another if they were attacked by the Soviet Union. NATO Symbol
World War IWorld War II