Package Administration 3/14/20161
Software package administration adds software to systems and removes software from systems Sun and its third-party vendors delivers software products to users in software packages 3/14/20162
Software packages contain: Files that describe the package and the amount of disk space required for installation Compressed software files to be installed on the system Optional scripts that run when the package is added or removed 3/14/20163
The “/var/sadm/install/contents” file Is a complete record of all the software packages installed on the local system disk It references ever file and directory belonging to every software package and shows the configuration of each product installed “# more /var/sadm/install/contents” 3/14/20164
The pkgadd command updates the file each time new packages are installed The pkginfo command uses the file to determine where the required files are located on the system To determine if a particular file was installed on the system disk and to find the directory in which it is located “#grep showrev /var/sadm/install/contents” 3/14/20165
Administering Packages from the Command line pkgadd - installs software packages to the system pkgrm - removes a package from the system pkginfo - displays software package information pkgchk - checks package installation state 3/14/20166
Displaying information about installed Software Packages The “pkginfo” command is used to display information about the software packages installed on the local system The “/var/sadm/pkg” directory maintains a record of all installed packages 3/14/20167
To display information about the software packages installed on a local system “# pkginfo | more” To view additional information “# pkginfo -l | more” To display information for a specific package “# pkginfo -l SUNWman” To determine how many packages are installed on disk “# pkginfo | wc -l” 3/14/20168
To view information about packages that are located on Solaris 9 Software 1 of 2 CD-ROM “# pkginfo -d /cdrom/cdrom0/s0/Solaris_9/Product | more” To view information about packages that are located on Solaris 9 Software 2 of 2 CD-ROM “# pkginfo -d /cdrom/cdrom0/Solaris_9/Product | more” 3/14/20169
Adding a Software Package To install “SUNWns6m” package from a CD-ROM “# cd /cdrom/cdrom0/Solaris_9/ExtraValue/EarlyAccess/Netsca pe_6/Packages” “# pkgadd -d. SUNWns6m” 3/14/201610
Checking a Package Installation To check the contents and attributes of a package “# pkgchk SUNWcarx” To list the files contained in a package “# pkgchk -v SUNWcarx” 3/14/201611
To determine if the contents and attributes of a file have changed since it was installed “# pkgchk -p /etc/shadow” To list information about a selected file “# pkgchk -l -p /usr/bin/showrev” (full path should be typed) 3/14/201612
Removing a Software Package To remove a software package from the system “#pkgrm SUNWapchr” 3/14/201613
Adding Packages by using a Spool Directory For convenience, copy frequently installed software packages from the CD to a spool directory on the system Default spool directory is “/var/spool/pkg” 3/14/201614
To copy a package into the /var/spool/pkg directory “# pkgadd -d /cdrom/cdrom0/s0/Solaris_9/Product -s spool SUNWensqr.u To copy a package to the “/export/pkg” directory “# pkgadd -d /cdrom/cdrom0/s0/Solaris_9/Product -s /export/pkg SUNWensqr.u 3/14/201615
To remove a package from default spool directory “# pkgrm -s spool SUNWensqr.u” To remove a package from /export/pkg directory “# pkgrm -s /export/pkg SUNWensqr.u” 3/14/201616
Package Administration Files and Directories /var/sadm/install/contents - A Software Package map of the entire system /opt/pkgname - The preferred location for the installation of unbundled packages 3/14/201617
/opt/pkgname/bin or /opt/bin - The preferred location for the executable files of unbundled packages /var/opt/pkgname or /etc/opt/pkgname - The preferred location for log files of unbundled packages 3/14/201618
Package Administration Commands pkginfo - Lists packages installed on the system or available on distribution media pkgadd - Installs packages pkgrm - Removes packages pkgchk - Verifies the attributes of the path names that belong to packages 3/14/201619