Baldrige Performance Excellence Program Category I: Leadership Edward Vasquez
What will be covered Definition of Baldrige Performance Excellence Program What are the categories Brainstorming Exercise Category I : leadership How category I works Real world example of Category I An Exercise Summary
Baldrige Performance Excellence Program This program educates organizations in performance excellence management This program administers the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award
The requirements of the criteria for Performance Excellence There are seven embodied categories in this program
On this training we will focus on Category I: Leadership
Brainstorming Exercise Why is leadership important in our organization?
Category I leadership This category examines: Senior Leaders Governance and Societal Responsibility
How it works Organizations need to answer category I questions
Category I Senior leaders Questions How do your senior leaders lead? Vision, Values, and Mission –How do they set them? Communication and Organizational Performance –How do they communicate with the workforce? –How do they create a focus on action to accomplish objectives?
Category I Governance and Societal Responsibility Question Organizational Governance –How key governance aspects are achieved? Legal and Ethical Behavior –How do you address any adverse impacts? Societal Responsabilities and Support of key Communities –How do you consider societal well-being as part of your strategy and daily operations?
A Real World Example In 2012 Lockheed Martin Missiles and Fire Control won the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award
Real World Example Lockheed Martin in Category I focused on Strength built from Leadership and Teamwork Senior leader review performance with an specific tool called “path to excellence process” Employees received annual ethical training Employees donated $11 million to charities in local communities
Exercise What does the leadership category examine? a.Strategy implementation b.Customer Focus and measurement c.Senior leaders and Governance d.Knowledge of information e. none of the above
Exercise What are the topics in the senior leadership?, values, mission b.Focus on action c.Resource allocation d.Vision, values, mission, communication and Organizational performance
Exercise What is included in the organizational governance question? a.Legal and regulatory behavior b.Organizational Governance; legal and ethical behavior; societal responsabilities and support of key communities c.Organizational situation d.None of above
Summary Category I is about leadership This category covers two areas: –Senior leaders –Governance and societal responsibilities Organizations needs to answer questions about these two areas
Summary Senior leadership covers Vision, values, and mission Communication and Organizational Performance Governance and societal responsibilities covers Organizational Governance Legal and Ethical Behavior Societal Responsabilities and support of key communities
Reading List Criteria for Performance Excellence Baldrige Performance Excellence Program – ockheed-martin.cfm