Smartphone/Tablet: Download and open the “Google Classroom” App Computer: Open Google Chrome -go to
Sign in using your Denton ISD gmail Password: 002.abcd
On the top menu bar, click the “+” then “Join Class” Enter the class code (provided during class) and click “JOIN” Join This Class
Open your class stream by clicking on the class name Anything you share on the “Stream” can be seen by the whole class Add a comment if you have a general question about an assignment (the whole class can see and comment)
You have an Assignment!! Read the instructions for the assignment. Click on a document name to open it Denton ISD requires that you sign this agreement for every science class Open the Google Form to complete your digital signature
Complete the form with the correct information Make sure to click “Submit” when you are finished Your parents will need to complete a separate form for their signature (I will them a link)
Almost Done! On the class stream, open the assignment Add a “private comment” here if you want only the teacher to see it and respond
Click “MARK AS DONE” to finish Make sure that the red “NOT DONE” in the top right has changed. Click “ADD” to attach a file from your computer or Google Drive. Click “CREATE” to create and attach a new file
Repeat the steps outlined in slides 6-9 for the “Pre-AP Chemistry Syllabus & Safety Agreement” assignment
If you have any trouble viewing the documents posted with the assignments, they are also available on my school website.