FACE OF TERRORISM Am I racist if I feel uncomfortable about a guy with a turban on my plane because this isn't okay with me — Ryan Carr In July last year, a Tweeter asked if it was racist to feel uncomfortable with a man wearing a turban on his flight. It “wasn’t OK” with him More than a year later, a man called Ashishpal Singh delivered a reply Ashishpal ugh I know what you mean, I get really uncomfortable whenever I see a white man walk into a movie theater or elementary school
PATRIOTS or TERRORISTS 8 FBI Definition of Terrorism: 8 (1)Terrorism is the unlawful use of force and violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives 8 (2) To influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion 8 (3) To affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination or kidnapping
PATRIOTS or TERRORISTS Do you approve of brutal and illegal acts to enforce a political principle? 8 How would Sam Adams answer that question? 8 “One man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter” 8 A state of war between the British and American colonies existed following Lexington and Concord. Is it fair to say that actions by the Sons of Liberty prior to the beginning of the war were that of an insurgency? Why?
What is Propaganda 8 Information used to manipulate behavior or belief 8 “We are good, they are evil”
Tools Used in Wartime Propaganda 8 Demonization: This tool involves portraying the enemy as purely evil, menacing, murderous and aggressive 8 Emotional Appeals: This tool involves playing on people’s emotions to promote the war effort; it attempts to tap into people’s sense of pride, shame, joy, sadness, anger, etc.
Tools Used in Wartime Propaganda 8 Name Calling: This tool involves using loaded labels (name calling) to encourage hatred of enemy 8 Patriotic Appeals: This tool involves using patriotic language or symbols (flags, colors, etc) to appeal to people’s national pride
Tools Used in Wartime Propaganda 8 Half-Truths or Lies: This tool involves deception and twisting the truth 8 Catchy Slogans: This tool involves using memorable phrases to increase support for the war effort
Tools Used in Wartime Propaganda 8 Humor or Caricatures: This tool involves capturing the viewers attention through the use of humor; the enemy is always portrayed in a “humorous” manner
Loyalist vs Patriot 8 1) Read about your person 8 2) Write a quote based on their beliefs 8 3) Create a propaganda poster based on your person’s belief 8 4) Why is your person a loyalist or a patriot?