Research Assessment Task Desk Organiser Research Assessment Task
Level Research Skills 3 You have outlined the features of one product 4 You have attempted researching existing products to a basic level. 5 You have completed research into existing products to a very good level It is clear that you have considered the views of others You have included the most important points in your specification 6 You have researched existing products in depth You have explained how you might use the findings of your research to design your desk organiser You have a detailed specification 7 You have researched existing products in depth – explaining how this information might be useful You have researched similar products in depth – explaining how this information might be useful You have explained how you might use the findings of your research to design your desk organiser You have a very detailed specification which includes materials and manufacturing processes 8 As above, but you have justified the points on your specification
Assessment Tasks Project specific research Product analysis Results of your questionnaire Conclusion of your research Design specification
Product Analysis - ACCESS FM A = Aesthetics C = Cost C = Customer E = Environment S = Safety S = Size F = Function M = Materials / Manufacture
Conclusion of your research This week… From my research I have found out… Although my research was inconclusive, I think… A feature of an existing product that I like is… Design Specification. Include Aesthetics Function Size Target Market Materials Manufacturing Processes Safety
Design Specification The specification is a list of all the needs that the product must meet; all the things it must do, have and be. The information listed in the specification comes from when you analysed the design brief and your research into materials, making processes, your research into what is actually going to be stored in the organiser, and what you found out from your questionnaire.
Design Specification Constraints It is especially important that any constraints are listed in the specification. For example, if you only had wood available, this would be a constraint. The specification will be used many times during later stages in the design process. For example: - If there is a choice of possible designs, they might be compared against the specification to see which one is best. - When the final product has been completed, the design will be compared to the specification to check that it does what it is needed to do
Design Specification. Include: Aesthetics Function Size Target Market Materials Manufacturing Processes Safety