REALIZED BUDGET 2012 The following slides present: – ECLAS assets (1 slide); – Overview of the Realized Budget of “ECLAS” (1 slide); – Detailed Report about the INCOME (3 slides, incliding Appendix 2 “Membership Fees and Callway Payment subscriptions”); – Detailed Report about the EXPENDITURE (9 slides, including Appendix 1 “JoLA Cost-Centre”);
ECLAS ASSETS ECLAS has two accounts in the Netherlands: a savings account and a payment account. After balance check, there was a surplus of income over expenditure of 14881,05€ and the assets have increased to 41759,42€ as of the 31 st of December 2012.
Realized Budget of 2012
INCOME 2012 The income from fees was about the expected amount; the NET value is explained below. The transfer of JoLA subscription, through the ECLAS accouts, was about the expected. From 2012 on, subscriptions are due to Routledge.
INCOME 2012 (Apx.2) ECLAS was a consultant in EUTeach Project (not in the budget); Income from other projects includes job advertisements via the website, which was lower than expected, however Interest on the savings account where higher (general assets are rising).
INCOME 2012 (Apx.2) Income was higher than expected mainly due to the extra income from EUTeach. In addition, Income from other projects was over budgeted.
EXPENDITURE 2012 JoLA Expenditure, as presented in Appendix 1, was higher than planned. (See next page)
EXPENDITURE 2012 (Apx.1) Costs related to Editorial Team Meeting were higher than expected and the Secretarial Costs were reduced. Proof reading has been demanding more hours of work; The increese in Graphic Design was balanced by Routledge payment, but it was still higher than expected.
EXPENDITURE 2012 Management of and small improvements to the website were paid out of the Le:Notre Project Budget, so there is no expenditure.
EXPENDITURE 2012 Printing, copying and postal costs are shown as combined in the Actual Budget column;
EXPENDITURE 2012 The Releezee Bank Ledger System used to be shown under internet costs.
EXPENDITURE 2012 Contributions/Subscriptions costs relate to the annual registration payment to the Chamber of Commerce in the Netherlands;
EXPENDITURE 2012 Travel expenses were just about the expected. The 400€ on ECLAS conference travel costs subsidized the participation of ELASA in the Warsaw Conference.
EXPENDITURE 2012 Unforeseen expenses arose as result of legal advice due to the new JoLA contract with Routledge;
EXPENDITURE 2012 Expenses related to EUTeach project were solved in 2011 budget leaving a surplus; Bank commissions were under the expected.
SUMMARY BALANCE SHEET There was a positive surplus of income over expenditure of 14880,97€. This is 597,97€ more than expected in the Budget. This was added to the savings account. The Balance agrees with that generated by the Releezee Book-keeping system, apart from the bank interest and the prepaid fees.
Report of the Scrutinisers Steven Goossens (Erasmus University College Brussels, Belgium) Isabel Martinho da Silva (University of Porto, Portugal) Both scrutineers assure that financial activities are correct, in spite of preferring the previous file format. New format of cost-centers was advised by past GA's (see Minutes) There is also the recommendation to lower travel costs under JoLA and advised that the Budget could be done not only for the next year, but also considering the following years (see Business Plan)
Approval by the G.A. Do you approve the Financial Report of 2012 and discharge the Executive Committee of the financial responsibility?
Calls for two Scrutinisers Scrutinizing of the 2013 Finances should take place during the next Landscape Forum. Any volunteers?
BUDGET PROPOSAL 2014 The following slides present: – Budger Overview (1 slide); – Delailed view of Income (2 slides) – Detailed view of Expenditure (1 slide)
Income from fees should increase in 2013 due to new membership fee structure and conference incentives. We still collect and transmit to Routledge the JoLA subscriptions.
BUDGET PROPOSAL 2014 Overall, the income is expected to come from the membership fees and JoLA royalties.
BUDGET PROPOSAL 2014 Expenditure is also expected to decrease. However travel costs and Website management and development might increase, considering the fact that Le:Nôtre Project is closing down in 2013.
BUDGET PROPOSAL 2014 JoLA production costs will rise due to the fact that it will start publishing 3 issues per year. Graphic design is the highest share on the expenditure side. JoLA will cost ECLAS about Euros.