doc.: IEEE /0473r0 Submission July 2005 Larry Arnett, Renesas Technology America, Inc.Slide 1 Project: IEEE P Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: [TGn Liaison Report] Date Submitted: [22 July, 2005] Source: [Larry Arnett] Company [Renesas Technology America, Inc.] Address [450 Holger Way, San Jose, CA 95037] Voice: [ ], FAX: [ ], Re: [ ] Abstract: [Liaison report to inform WG of actions taken by n.] Purpose: [Information Exchange] Notice:This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release:The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P
doc.: IEEE /0473r0 Submission July 2005 Larry Arnett, Renesas Technology America, Inc.Slide TGn Report
doc.: IEEE /0473r0 Submission July 2005 Larry Arnett, Renesas Technology America, Inc.Slide 3 Summary No longer looks like a Opening session agreed not to hold down select but instead allow time for three-way merger to a single proposal. July Present merger update to group Q&A Hear other presentations September Show Draft proposal to TGn Q&A November Present single merged proposal to TGn January Letter Ballot Agreed to modify requirements to allow Single Stream. –Includes all prior.11n features except MIMO. Allows lower data rates Suitable for Mobile Applications Working on Coexistence Requirements
doc.: IEEE /0473r0 Submission July 2005 Larry Arnett, Renesas Technology America, Inc.Slide 4 Joint Proposal Update
doc.: IEEE /0473r0 Submission July 2005 Larry Arnett, Renesas Technology America, Inc.Slide 5 Procedural Updates Adopted a process for creating the joint proposal –Adopted a decision making procedure –Agreed on web tools to help facilitate document sharing and conference calls Established a firm and aggressive schedule for F2F and conference calls
doc.: IEEE /0473r0 Submission July 2005 Larry Arnett, Renesas Technology America, Inc.Slide 6 PHY/MAC Teams Update Created a sequence of discussion points Discussed motions for adding draft text to the joint proposal Fielded detailed technical presentations on topics of mutual interest Created tiger teams to accelerate technical progress
doc.: IEEE /0473r0 Submission July 2005 Larry Arnett, Renesas Technology America, Inc.Slide 7 Next Steps Weekly conference calls, starting next week –One for the MAC, one for the PHY F2F meeting in Japan in August Will upload one week prior to IEEE in Anaheim either a draft joint proposal or a progress report
doc.: IEEE /0473r0 Submission July 2005 Larry Arnett, Renesas Technology America, Inc.Slide 8 Joint Proposal Timeline JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN San Fran F2F JAP F2F Anaheim Goal to Submit Draft Joint Prop F2F EUR F2F Vancouver Final Joint Prop Confirm Vote F2F Hawaii Draft proposal owned by TGn Weekly Conference Calls between F2F Meetings
doc.: IEEE /0473r0 Submission July 2005 Larry Arnett, Renesas Technology America, Inc.Slide 9 Primary Documents r5WWiSE Proposal - High Throughput Extension to Standard (doc) r1Security Aspects MAC Aggregation (ppt) r2Telecon Minutes: Single Stream ad hoc Committee June 1st (doc) r1Opening Report: TGn July-05 (ppt) r5One-Stream ad hoc Group (ppt) r0Opening Report: TGnSync / WWiSE / MitMot (ppt) r2Experiments with n radio Testbed (ppt) r0Minutes July 18 th : Single Stream ad hoc (doc) r0MitMot TGn proposal update presentation (ppt) r1WWiSE complete proposal presentation july-2005 (ppt) r0Closing Report: TGnSync WWiSE MitMot (ppt) r0Soft Detector n (ppt) r0Meeting Notes: TGn CA ad hoc (doc)