1 TransNational Committee meeting Seattle 2014 Patrick Le Dû ( IN2P3/CNRS)
Future NPSS events the July Paris meeting –3rd Conference on PET/MR and SPECT/MR 19th –Koss Island,Grece 21st May 2014 –RTC + RT school - Kyoto/Nara/Osaka (Japan) May –IPAC Dresden (Germany) – June –NSREC- Paris (France) July 2015 –ANIMMA – Lisbon,Portugal (20-24 April) –ICOPS- Antalya, Turkey (24 – 28 May) –4th Conference on PET/MR and SPECT/MR,Elba, Italy ( 17 – 21 May ) –RADECS – Moscow, Russia September –ICALEPCS - Melbourne (Australia) – October ???? –International Radiation instrumentation schools (TBD) 2016 –Real Time - Padova Italy (24 – 28 May) –NSS-MIC – Strasbourg, France (Nov ) * Technically co-sponsorized conferences
TNC annual meeting yesterday -Agenda Introduction (Patrick) Transnational membership review (Jean Luc) South America report (Gabriela Hoff reported by Patrick) China Activities (Zhen An Liu reported by Patrick Pacific activities (Anatoly Rozenfeld) Japan report Stefan (RT Nara & RT Osaka school) Comment about Japan organization for the NSS-MIC 2018 proposal (Tatsuo Higuchi) UK activity (Cinzia Davia) International Radiation instrumentation schools, Eastern Europ-(Yves Lemoigne, Institut for Medical Physics (ifmp.eu) TNC 2015 review 3
Why we are here ? 4 NSS-MIC abstract submission evolution in %