Know the two major ways in which ICT has affected employment Understand the reasons behind this Be able to discuss the effects of ICT on employment for both bank and shop workers
Robots replacing people – why? Time & automation Effect on employment rates Types of jobs available Training Employment patterns Teleworking Broadband availability
2 major effects: Job losses ▪ Car parks ▪ Car manufacturing ▪ Clerical ▪ Cost Job creation ▪ More demand for technical jobs
Same way Same accuracy No judgement / reactions required Eg car manufacture/shopping/banking Robots can be any size Dangerous/unpleasant tasks
Payroll Paperwork Manual entry Now: automatic / direct data capture
Online banking & shopping ATMs Cheques Stock control Shop workers
Need for skilled ICT workers Systems analysts Designers & programmers Website designers Technicians Help desk/support staff Call centres Delivery drivers Warehouse staff
Describe the effects that the introduction of the new system will have on the people who work at the bank in terms of employment and working patterns. (5 marks)
Four from: Increased unemployment for specific bank workers such as cheque processing workers/cashiers Increased employment for technical staff Some workers may have to/will have the opportunity – to go part time There will be the opportunity to job share There will be the opportunity for flexible working hours Workers will need to have the ability to move from branch to branch Workers may gain new skills