Corporal Punishment By: Sam, Allison, Spencer, and Sean…
In Many Schools, The Paddle is No Relic By: Rick Lyman The author quotes many people about their opinion on the paddle. Most of the people he quoted don’t agree with the paddle, they think it is over abused. One mom said her son was sent home with a backside that was a florid kaleidoscope of plums lemons and blood oranges. Corporal Punishment has been declining, and 28 states have banned it (not Ohio).
Short of The Goal By: Aimee Edmondson The author states mostly facts and minor quotes. At Melrose High School, football players get paddled or sidelined for their next game if they receive a D, an F, or a bad conduct grade. Most students start to prepare better and try harder because they know their punishment will be getting paddled or benched.
A Blow to The Spirit By:Jessie Milligan A cheerleader gets paddled and kicked off her cheer team for smoking. She had the choice of being suspended or paddled and she chose to be paddled. The author, was very biased toward no corporal punishment. She questions if the school was to hard on the student. She gives the expert opinion of Texas’ Rep. Harold Dutton. He asks “Do they only want perfect children on their squad?”
High School Cane: a Eulogy By: K. Neil This article is a testimony of the author’s personal experience. He was paddled for forgetting his gym clothes. He thinks the paddle should be used in schools today because the paddling made him mature.
Personal Opinions… Samantha Hoyt believes paddling is a good source of punishment, because it pushes the children to work harder. But I don’t think it should be used in schools because teachers over abuse it. I also don't think it should be used on kids under the age of 10. Allison Haynes believes that the paddle is a good thing in schools if it is only used when it is necessary, and if it isn't over used. I don't think it should be used for every day punishments.
Personal Opinions. Spencer Chaney thinks that paddling is a good way to keep students obedient, but is sometimes used too harshly. It should only be used in the most extreme cases, and shouldn't be overdone. Sean Ward thinks that paddling can be effective to kids who don't know when to stop. However, this can also be overdone by teachers who don't know the limit. This should only be used in very slim amounts.