The Cougar Den at Forge Road Volume 5, Issue 3, November 2015 From the Principal’s Desk November is a time to give thanks for all the gifts in our lives. As we approach the holiday, I hope you have the opportunity to experience rest & relaxation with your loved ones, and those that you cherish. Hopefully, you will have a chance to leave the fast pace daily events that often fill our days, and have moments of peace & comfort at home. Along the lines of giving thanks, I would like to take time to thank each of you for being active in your child’s educational experience and being a valued member of our Forge family. It takes a team commitment between home & school for the best progress to be made. I am also thankful for the wonderful and talented school staff that we have at Forge, and the great students that make school such a special environment. With all of the great people, families & students that make up this building, it is no surprise that Forge Road Elementary had the highest average of 3 rd, 4 th, & 5 th grade PSSA ELA test scores in Lebanon County this past year. This is a huge accomplishment when you consider Forge Road was #1 out of the 19 elementary schools in Lebanon County! Thank You for your commitment to education and the help you provide our students at home. If you would like to see how any of the schools performed this past year on the PSSA tests, feel free to check academic progress out at this link below. did_students_in_your_schoo.html#incart_river_home Happy Thanksgiving from our Forge family to your own family, and thanks again for all you do! ~ Mr. Hale Guidance Corner November has arrived. The holiday season is upon us, although I think Christmas decorations have been out since July. Thanksgiving tends to get lost between skeletons & holiday lights. However, I love this holiday! I am really getting hungry for turkey, stuffing, gravy & green bean casserole. I am also very thankful for many blessings I have been given over the years, and hope that you all have a lot to be thankful for as well. I hope you are able to find some relaxation during the holiday. I wish you a very happy Thanksgiving and remember to wear your comfy pants (as my kids call them). Keep Calm and Gobble On! – Mrs. McGrady PARENT REMINDERS With cold weather just around the corner…Please DO NOT have your child arriving to school prior to 8:30AM! Otherwise they will be outside unsupervised, and in the elements. Both are unsafe conditions for our students, that we do not want to put them through. Your co-operation with this time frame is imperative for student safety. Thank you! PLEASE DO NOT Drive, Drop Off, Pick Up or Park IN THE BUS CIRCLE! Only SACC parents may drop off and pick up their children before or after the buses. No personal vehicles should be in the bus circle during bus times. If you need to change your child’s usual dismissal arrangements in any way, please send a written note. If you need to make a last minute change please call our office by 3:00 pm. PLEASE NOTE; PASD does not allow students to ride any bus that they are not assigned to. Educational Trips With the holiday season fast approaching please be reminded that; If a student needs to be off school and it is not medical related, even if it is for a portion of the day, the Educational Trip form must be submitted, no less than 3 days prior to the requested time off. Educational Trip forms may be obtained in any of our school offices, or on the PASD web site. If you have children in multiple buildings, please complete one form per building. NURSE NOTES: Cold & Flu season has already begun. Make sure your family gets their flu vaccines, gets plenty of sleep & eats healthy. If your child comes to visit me with an upset stomach but no other symptoms, I will use cola syrup first before sending them home-it’s natural and has a property that settles the stomach. Many students with colds get VERY chapped lips from breathing through their mouths, licking their lips and dry air. Please send them with Chapstick to ward of those cracked lips & discomfort. Proactive parenting is always appreciated! - Mrs. Keller Advice from Dr. Seuss “ It’s a troublesome world. All the people who’re in it are troubled with troubles almost every minute. You ought to be thankful, a whole heaping lot, for the places and people you’re lucky you’re not. NEEDED PLEASE Related Arts teachers are in need of tissues. Could you please send some to school with your child to help one of our Related Arts class rooms get through cold and flu season? Thank you !