Digital Resources Committee (DRC) Tomoko Y. Steen, Ph.D. Chair of the DRC Science, Technology & Business Division The Library of Congress
Agenda 1.The List of New Members 2.Report on the “Todai Session” 3.Oya Zaidan visit--Haruko Nakamura 4.New Goals 5.Suggestions/comments to the DRC 6.Questions to Nikkei, Asahi, and Japan Knowledge
New Members of the DRC and their Tasks Tomoko Y. Steen, Ph.D. Chair of the DRC Syun Tutiya, Ph.D. Advisor to the DRC
Members at Large Beth Katzoff, DRC Secretariat Robert Britt, DRC Web Master/Information Provider Kiyoyo Pipher, Contact Point/Information Provider Michiko Ito, Communicator (Commercial Venders, consortium) Haruko Nakamura, Communicator (Commercial Venders) Eiko Sakaguchi, Communicator (Government Institutes, NII & JST) Yuki Ishimatsu, Digital Projects * Affiliations and contact information are provided in handouts.
Visiting Oya Zaidan Questions from the DRC 1.Off campus usage 2.Transferring obtained information from Oya 3.Citing information obtained 4.Availability 5.Price of the database Issues and Concerns 1.Off campus usage is not acceptable 2.Print out is allowed, but no ing 3.Discouraging to cite the complete list 4.Termination of service this March? 5.Membership $15,000 6.Attitudes of Japanese libraries
“Tōdai Session” “Tōdai Session” September 1, 2006 Commercial Venders Asahi Nikkei Yomiuri Librarians North American University Libraries Library of Congress Japanese University Libraries NII Guests *Detailed summaries are in the handouts.
New Goals Information Provider ( (WEB site) Education Provider Communication Database information on chart Japanese Database Workshops With Database Providers in Japan A list of existing consortium and their activities Workshop on the “Digital Reference Activities” Among librarians in NA, Japan, Europe, and Australia
Do you have any comments on the DRC’s new goals?
Do you have any questions to Nikkei, Asahi, Japan Knowledge, NII?