CAMPUS CAMPAIGN 2016 Ambassador Orientation
Campus Campaign Co-Chairs Bernadette Melnyk Associate Vice President for Health Promotion University Chief Wellness Officer, Dean College of Nursing Jeff Hattey Assistant Dean College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences Ryan Haley Director Wexner Medical Center, Ambulatory Services Administration
3 Signature Block Button and Tech Tattoo Design PowerPoint Template
Campus-wide Participation Goal 41%
5 How do we get there?
6 Key Dates in FEBRUARY 1-29Plan your campaign Recruit Ambassadors 1 Ambassador for every employees 24 Pledge / gift packet pick-up Wexner Medical Center cost center Ambassadors Pledge / gift packet delivery Main and Regional Campuses
7 Key Dates in MARCH March 1 – Campaign begins Make your gift! It’s easier to ask for a gift and lead people toward a goal when you are already committed. March 1 – April 30 – Campaign Period Ambassadors implement the campaign in their units March 18 – 1st reports available Weekly s will provide links to reports showing participation by faculty and staff in their departments or cost centers.
8 Key Dates in APRIL April 4 – Progress reports sent to leadership April 25 – Recognition award nominations due Forms will be available on the Campus Campaign website April 30 – Participation DEADLINE All gifts/pledges must be received by this date in order to be included in participation totals (try to get them all in by April 25)
9 Key Date in MAY CELEBRATION Lunch Friday, May 13, 2016 Thompson Library, Buckeye Reading Room 12:00 – 1:00 p.m North Oval Mall All Ambassadors, University and Medical Center leadership are invited to attend
10 EVENTS Events are encouraged! Events should be informational, inspirational and fun. Events should generate interest, passion in areas of choice and enthusiasm. Events should be ‘cash-free’. Collecting sealed, personal pledge envelopes is fine.
11 NOTE: Re: Charging a fee or asking for a “donation” to enter a drawing or purchase food. Money collected for any of the above will not count toward individual participation and will not be reported in dollar totals.
12 Remember: Items used in drawings for faculty and staff: 1. Items donated by staff or from entities outside of OSU are not taxable for the employee. 2. It is strongly encouraged that items for drawings NOT be purchased utilizing University funds. 3. Recipients of items purchased utilizing University funds should be made aware that items may be taxable. All gift cards are taxable regardless of amount. All non-cash items will be taxed if value is $100 or greater.
13 Questions Ambassadors are most frequently asked about Campus Campaign: 1. How is Campus Campaign different from Bucks for Charity? 2. Why should I give to OSU? 3. What is the money really used for?
14 4. How do I make my gift? Online - or via link from OneSource Payroll deduction Credit Card Gift Form – (pre-printed or printed from the website) IF it is turned in, it must be signed! Payroll deduction Credit Card Check Cash – not recommended
15 5. Were do I send my gift? OSU Foundation 1480 West Lane Avenue How much do I need to give?
16 7. When do payroll deductions begin? 8. Do I need to do anything for my deductions to continue from year to year? 9.How do I search for a fund? NEW FOR 2016: Use the following url to direct the faculty and staff to priority funds: _ _ _ _ _
What about Pelotonia? Karl Koon
18 The Ohio State University Alumni Association - Membership All Graduates are members of the Alumni Association! Life Membership Sustaining Membership Annual gifts of at least $75 to ANY Ohio State fund(s). Eligible for premium benefits - a year’s subscription to the print version of Ohio State Alumni Magazine and eligibility for the annual football ticket lottery. Basic Membership - Graduates who do not make an annual gift of $75 or more - receive affinity products, an online magazine, and other benefits. They will not be eligible to participate in the football ticket lottery.
19 Questions?
20 Thank You!