Summary of the Submission of the United States On the development of a five-year programme of work on the scientific, technical and socio-economic aspects.


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Presentation transcript:

Summary of the Submission of the United States On the development of a five-year programme of work on the scientific, technical and socio-economic aspects of impacts of, and vulnerability and adaptation to, climate change

Objective of the Work Programme  To advance the application of scientific and technical information on and experience with impacts, vulnerability, and adaptation to climate change by: –engaging key members of relevant sectoral communities to effectively utilize complementarities; –focusing on practical outcomes; and –encouraging adaptation to climate change in integrated and cost-effective ways

Scope  Use water, agriculture and coastal zone management sectors to focus discussions in years 1-3: –Engaging national and local experts in relevant sectoral communities to share practical experience in addressing vulnerability and implementing long-term planning –Programs and priorities of key relevant international organizations (UN FAO, World Water Forum, OECD, etc.) –Adaptation experience of climate experts in the chosen sector  Consider integration with sustainable development and practical applications at local, national and international levels during each workshop and specifically in years 4&5

Programme Structure TopicInputsOutcomes Year 1: SBSTA 24/25 COP 12 Water  Overview paper: methodologies (including vulnerability assessments), data and modeling  Expert’s workshop  Recommendations to SBSTA/SBI for future work  Recommendations to relevant parties and sectoral communities Year 2: SBSTA 26/27 COP 13 Agriculture  Overview paper: methodologies (including vulnerability assessments), data and modeling  Expert’s workshop  Recommendations to SBSTA/SBI for future work  Recommendations to relevant parties and sectoral communities Year 3: SBSTA 28/29 COP 14 Coastal Zone Management  Overview paper: methodologies (including vulnerability assessments), data and modeling  Expert’s workshop  Recommendations to SBSTA/SBI for future work  Recommendations to relevant parties and sectoral communities Year 4: SBSTA 30/31 COP 15 Integration with Sustainable Development  Sectoral recommendations  Expert’s workshop  Recommendations to SBSTA/SBI for future work  Recommendations to relevant parties and sectoral communities Year 5: SBSTA 32/33 COP 16 Local, Nat’l & Int’l Action  Sectoral recommendations  Expert’s workshop  Recommendations to SBSTA/SBI for future work  Recommendations to relevant parties and sectoral communities

Initial Activities  Agree on the general framework and structure for the five-year work programme: –Choose sectors –Identify relevant partners and experts –Establish format

Further Development and Evaluation  The work programme should make full use of best available information and be structured in a way that allows for the inclusion of emerging information from other processes, such as the IPCC, as they become available  A stock-taking of the contributions of the work programme and consideration of possible next steps could be taken up at the conclusion of the five years