Pub. Spring 2008 Introduction to The Transition Initiative Bill & Becky Wilson and Milton Dixon ©Bill Wilson – Midwest Permaculture (.com) Rob Hopkins
For all those aspects of life that our community needs to sustain itself and thrive, how do we: Dramatically reduce carbon emissions Dramatically reduce carbon emissions Significantly increase our resilience Significantly increase our resilience Greatly strengthen our local economy? Greatly strengthen our local economy?
How did they do this?
What did Rob and Students do? Formed a steering committee Offered awareness raising events as invitations to learn…not dooms-day gatherings. Networked with those already doing transition and supported their work Had a grand community unleashing or party to raise greater awareness Started to form working groups to tackle different topics or areas and to have fun Learned to use ‘Open Space’ as a brainstorming meeting format and got things done…!!!
Started with projects that had great visibility in the community. Began to offer ‘Reskilling Workshops’ to relearn the skills we have lost. Talked with the elders to learn what they knew, and invited their participation. When the time was right, started to build bridges to local government. They did not try to over guide this thing but allowed it to go where it seemed it wanted and needed to go. Came up with their energy decent action plan.
Transition makes sense: It’s built on community, cooperation, and care for the total environment. It is a viral model and relatively easy to communicate and replicate. Transition makes sense: It’s built on community, cooperation, and care for the total environment. It is a viral model and relatively easy to communicate and replicate. Why the Transition Model Seems to be Working…
“…I have become fascinated by how we apply these principles to whole towns, whole settlements, and in particular, to how we design this transition in such a way that people will embrace it as a common journey, as a collective adventure, as something positive… How can we design descent pathways which make people feel alive, positive and included in this process of societal transformation?” —Rob Hopkins
Positive visioning… Positive visioning… We can fix or improve anything. We can create something more wonderful and meaningful than what we have today. Why the Transition Model Seems to be Working…
“We used immense amounts of creativity, ingenuity and adaptability on the way up the energy upslope; there's no reason for us not to do the same on the downslope. “If we collectively plan and act early enough, there's every likelihood that we can create a way of living that’s significantly more connected, more vibrant and more in touch with our environment than the oil-addicted treadmill that we find ourselves on today.” Rob Hopkins
Inclusion and Openness… Everyone is known to have something to contribute. Everyone. Inclusion and Openness… Everyone is known to have something to contribute. Everyone. Why the Transition Model Seems to be Working…
Understands the Importance of Inner Work Recognizes that when people get together there will certainly be personality challenges and emotional upset. Great…!!! Understands the Importance of Inner Work Recognizes that when people get together there will certainly be personality challenges and emotional upset. Great…!!! Why the Transition Model Seems to be Working… If we are to heal the outer world, we must also be willing to look at, and heal, our inner world. As we heal our inner world we become less needy, less manipulated. We gain clarity and peace. Upset = Opportunity (It’s not just a problem.)
We freely share information and trust each other to make good decisions. There is openness for peer-to-peer feedback. We freely share information and trust each other to make good decisions. There is openness for peer-to-peer feedback. Why the Transition Model Seems to be Working…
Deeply rooted in principles and ethics of Permaculture Deeply rooted in principles and ethics of Permaculture Why the Transition Model Seems to be Working… Chicago Permaculture Meet-up Midwest Permaculture
“The future with less oil could be preferable to the present, if we are able to engage with enough imagination and creativity sufficiently in advance of the peak… Emerging at the other end, we will not be the same as we were; we will have become more humble, more connected to the natural world, fitter, leaner, more skilled and, ultimately, wiser.” —Rob Hopkins
“Let us give thanks for this extraordinary period of human history we lived through. Let us recognize that we are moving into a new phase of history. Let’s be brave and wise about it, and prepare to move on.” James Howard Kunstler The Long Emergency
The Good News Is: Nature will work with us.
The Question Is: Will we work with nature?
“Let ours be a time remembered for, ~ the awakening of a new reverence for life, ~ the firm resolve to achieve sustainability, ~ the quickening of the struggle for justice and peace, ~ and the joyful celebration of life.” “Let ours be a time remembered for, ~ the awakening of a new reverence for life, ~ the firm resolve to achieve sustainability, ~ the quickening of the struggle for justice and peace, ~ and the joyful celebration of life.” U.N. Earth Charter U.N. Earth Charter
Transition Link Summary Rob Hopkins interview on YouTube Open Spaces on YouTube Chicago Permaculture Meet-up Midwest
Upcoming Transition Chicago 2-Day Training: “Training For Transition (T4T)” Sat & Sun June 25-26, 2011 Location: Uptown Neighborhood of Chicago, 4750 N. Sheridan Road, For more info and to register: To learn more or get involved with Transition Chicago: 12/07/08