Facebook Peter C. Doherty Won a Nobel Prize a few years ago today with Rolf M. Zinkernagel for our discoveries concerning the specificity of the cell mediated immune defense! HomeProfilePeter C. DohertyLogout View photos of Peter (5) Send Peter a message Poke message Wall InfoPhotosBoxes Write something… Share Information Birthday: October 15, 1940 Hometown: Brisbane, Australia Field: Immunity Religion: Christian Occupation: Scientist Friends RolfLindaEric IanPenny Peter C. Doherty Released his first book today called “The Beginner's Guide to Winning the Nobel Prize: Advice for Young Scientists” & you can go buy it here: ! It has heaps of advice for young scientists, May 12, 2008 James Rolf M. Zinkernagel to Peter C. Doherty Congrats on our Nobel Prize award! We worked very hard on all our research you have been great to work with over these few years. June 11, 1996 Peter C. Doherty I can’t believe Rolf & I won the Nobel Prize award today for our groundbreaking research in medicine! Thank you for the messages of congratulations from my family and friends. June 11, 1996 Peter C. Doherty Won the ‘Australian Of The Year’ award today, for everything that I have discovered in medicine. April 28, 1997 Peter C. Doherty Won the Lasker Award today for “For the epochal discovery of MHC restriction of T-cell recognition and the single T-cell receptor altered-self hypothesis.” September 9, 1995 Peter C. Doherty Was born today, congratulations to Linda & Eric on a new baby boy October 15, 1940
Personal Information Facebook Peter C. Doherty Won a Nobel Prize with Rolf M. Zinkernagel for our discoveries concerning the specificity of the cell mediated immune defense! HomeProfilePeter C. DohertyLogout View photos of Peter (5) Send Peter a message Poke message Wall InfoPhotosBoxes Basic Information Information Birthday: October 15, 1940 Hometown: Brisbane, Australia Field: Immunity Religion: Christian Occupation: Scientist Photos Field: Immunity Sex: Male Birthday: October 15, 1940 Hometown: Brisbane, Australia Relationship Status: Married to Penny Doherty Religion: Christian Activities: My favorite activities are being a scientist (And I'm very lucky that its part of my job!) as well as catching up with my work friends & going out to eat with them! Interests: My interests include trying to discover new scientific research with my work friend Rolf and well as writing my very own books. Favorite Music: I don’t have much time to listen to music when since I work a lot of the time so I don’t have any favorites, I just listen to the radio. Favorite Movies: I prefer any science documentaries and there’s way too many to name my favorites, I love them all and enjoy watching them in my spare time. Favorite TV Shows: Once again I just watch the news every night and watching any science shows that might be once I have some free time. Favorite Books: I don’t have much spare time to read books, I just write my own books instead Work Updated last Monday Nobel Prize Award Updated 2 hours ago Contact Information Address: 144 Rogers Avenue, Brisbane, Australia Phone Number:
Facebook HomeProfilePeter C. DohertyLogout WallInfoPhotosBoxes Photos of Peter C. Doherty 8 Photos Peter C. Doherty’s Albums 3 Photo Albums Work 3 photos Nobel Prize Award 4 photos Profile Pictures 1 photo Peter C. Doherty Just won a Nobel Prize with Rolf M. Zindernagel for our discoveries concerning the specificity of the cell mediated immune defence.