1 Presented by Bob Hager October 21, 2009 Homeland Security Standards Database (HSSD)
HSSP Plenary October 21, 2009 Slide 2 HSSD background Goal: provide one-stop access to standards information related to HS. Launched in 2004 with DHS funding HSSP developed initial list of standards Portal built on ANSI NSSN database ANSI on-going roles: Infrastructure / interface Standards identification Classification Data exchange with other HS standards resources, e.g. RKB Coordinate and facilitate improvements to all of the above
HSSP Plenary October 21, 2009 Slide 3 Features of Search on keyword or document number Advanced search, including filtering by SDO Classification-based searches – select one or more categories from hierarchical classification scheme Alerting Links from Responder Knowledge Base (
HSSP Plenary October 21, 2009 Slide 4
HSSP Plenary October 21, 2009 Slide 5
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HSSP Plenary October 21, 2009 Slide 9 The numbers NSSN 300,000 records 950 SDOs HSSD 5,000 records (1.5% of total) 130 SDOs (14% of total) SDO concentration – the long tail Top 10% of SDOs by record count = 75% of total records High concentration of international/foreign standards represented
HSSP Plenary October 21, 2009 Slide 10 Top 10% (13) of HSSD SDOs Rec Count% of Total ISO 1, % US DoDUS DOD % NFPANational Fire Protection Association % CENEuropean Committee for Standardization % AASHTOAmerican Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials % IEC % ASTMASTM International % DINDeutsches Institut fur Normung % SAIStandards Australia % NATO % KSAKorean Standards Association % ITI (INCITS)National Committee for Information Technology Standards % ULUnderwriters Laboratories %
HSSP Plenary October 21, 2009 Slide 11 Selection challenges How broad or narrow should the inclusion criteria be? In general, we’ve been told to err on the side of inclusion, although this approach risks diluting value Degree of inclusion challenge depends on topic – e.g., some SDOs should/could be included wholesale
HSSP Plenary October 21, 2009 Slide 12 Selection challenges - examples Water quality General water treatment and vs. emergency water supply treatment “Chemicals used for treatment of water intended for human consumption - Hexafluorosilicic acid”? Medical Limiting to emergency medical equipment/processes “Tracheal tubes and connectors”? Ships and Marine Technology Yes: “Signs and plates for fire fighting, life-saving appliances and means of escape” But Yes or No? “Radio communication equipment and systems - Digital interfaces - Serial data instrument network”
HSSP Plenary October 21, 2009 Slide 13 Next steps Seek input on approach to inclusion/exclusion Engage subject matter experts – more proactive identification of HS standards, including classification SDO advisory committee? Taxonomy refinement RKB – enhance automation, improve metadata richness Functionality/interface improvements? “Richness” of data – i.e., additional fields Document delivery?