Political Influence
Economic Influence
Overview of the Brasiguayo Question
Origin of the Brasiguayos
The Unknown Number Exact number of Brazilians in Paraguay unknown Probably in between 300 – 550k
Cultural Tension
Economic Tensions
Political Tensions
Strategic Tensions Extend into the Rio de la Plata Basin Control heads of navigation in Paraguay (Asuncion) and Uruguay (Salto) down to the main ports of Montevideo and Buenos Aires. When the opportunity is lacking, focus on maintaining a buffer across the Rio de la Plata region prevent Argentine encroachment Bring buffer into Brazilian economic orbit and populate buffer states with Brazilians. Economically integrate with Argentina as containment mechanism. Look to Chile as an external balancer.* Rely on population migration in the borderlands, economic development, military assistance and political sway to assert influence in the buffer states. Mercosur, while a deeply flawed attempt at a customs union, is used by both Brazil and Argentina to create economic interdependencies as a form of mutual containment. Create buffer zone around the core. If strong, physically extend territory beyond the core in all directions with a priority on lands immediately East of the Parana River, immediately North and West of the Paraguay River. If weak, maintain current buffer area/territory (currently this means the Chaco and Eastern border area from Pedro Juan Caballero on South). WEAK: Use military presence and civilians to populate areas that are at risk of foreign invasion or strong foreign influence. Build up military posts/presence on Bolivian border in Chaco. Currently working on restructuring land ownership in the East along Brazilian borders through which they are trying to take land away from Brazilians and give it to Paraguayans. Also use international law, treaties to help keep Brazil in check.