Sexually Transmitted Diseases STD’S
Top 5 Sexually Transmitted Diseases: Gonorrhea 600,000 new cases Chlamydia 3 million new cases Genital Warts (HPV) 5.5 million new cases Genital Herpes 500,000 new cases Hepatitis B 140, ,000 new cases
Every year 3 million teens (about 1 in 4) get an STD
Signs and Symptoms of Syphilis Stage One: Sores around the sex organs, sores are usually firm, round and painless Stage Two: Rashes develop around mouth, feet, and hands. Fever and swollen gland may occur. Stage Three: Most serious stage areas such as the brain, heart, eyes, nerves, bones, and joints can become infected.
TREATMENT of Syphilis Antibiotics Follow up with blood tests are recommended.
Signs and Symptoms of Gonorrhea: Bacteria can infect the penis, eyes, throat and rectum Discharge from sexual organs Irregular menstrual bleeding Frequent and painful urination Abdominal pain during sex 4 out of 5 people have no symptoms
TREATMENT of Gonorrhea: Antibiotics The sooner the infection is treated the easier it is to cure.
Signs and Symptoms of Chlamydia: 75% of affected women and 25% of men have NO symptoms Symptoms appear within 7-14 days after exposure Slight whitish or clear discharge from the sex organs The scrotum may feel sore and the testicles heavy Burning and pain during urination Unusual bleeding Abdominal pains during sex
TREATMENT of Chlamydia Antibiotics Avoid Alcohol until the infection is cured No sexual contact until infection is cured In female’s the infection can cause PID It can cause urethral scarring leading to sterility and infection of the testes
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) PID occurs when an infection in the genital tract is not treated right away The infection spreads causing scarring in the fallopian tubes Tubal pregnancy Infertility or difficulty becoming pregnant
Symptoms of PID Bleeding between menstrual periods Increased or changed vaginal discharge Pain during sex Nausea and/or vomiting Fever and chills
Signs and Symptoms of Genital Warts (HPV) In most cases there are no symptoms Small, soft, flesh colored warts on, around, or inside sex organs Warts often resemble “cauliflower” like growths and are generally small, dry, hard and pinkish in color Itching or burning around the infected area
Treatment of Genital Warts (HPV) Genital warts is treatable, but not curable Warts can be burned off or surgically removed Genital warts can lead to penile cancer, cervical cancer or mouth/throat cancer
What is Genital Herpes Sexually transmitted infection that is caused by a virus Spread by direct contact including kissing, sexual intercourse and skin-to- skin contact The sore does not need to be present to transmit the virus
Signs and Symptoms of Genital Herpes Fluid-filled blisters Painful urination Swollen glands Flu-like symptoms Testicle pain Vaginal discharge
Treatment of Genital Herpes Anti-viral drugs may provide relief and prompt healing Reduce stress Keep sores dry Blisters come and go, but virus remains for a lifetime
Signs and Symptoms of Hepatitis B Many people have no symptoms Flu-like illness Fatigue Fever Muscle and joint aches, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, and dull abdominal pain Jaundice, accompanied, by dark urine, light colored stools, and skin rashes
Treatment of Hepatitis B The treatments are very extensive A vaccine can help provide immunity against the virus Hepatitis B is more contagious than HIV
Signs and Symptoms of Pubic Lice: Itching from Mild to Intolerable Pubic Lice can occur on any hair part of the body Adult Pubic Lice can be seen by the naked eye
Treatment of Pubic Lice : Pubic Lice is treated by a shampoo or lotion (lindane) The shampoo is left on for 5 minutes then rinsed off The lotion is left on for 12 hours then rinsed off It is important to wash all bedding, clothes, and towels
Pubic Lice
Signs and Symptoms of HIV/AIDS: Mild flu-like symptoms or no symptoms Symptoms may be absent for many years, up until the development of AIDS Full blown AIDS- fever, weight loss, fatigue, diarrhea, rare forms of infections and diseases.
Treatment of HIV/AIDS There is no cure for HIV infection or AIDS Treatment is a combination of many drugs
How to prevent STD’s : Abstinence Use a new condom from start to finish EVERY TIME YOU HAVE VAGINAL, ANAL, or ORAL SEX! Limit number of partners Get tested Get treated
Having Sex is about making choices: We choose when we are ready and when we want to wait We choose our partners We choose what we want to do and what we don’t want to do with our partners We can choose to do it in the safest way Teens who have vaginal intercourse need to make choices about birth control and protecting themselves and their partners.
You have an immune system quiz tomorrow!