New Zealand Kanepi Gymnasium Form 8 Marie Merkuri
An introduction New Zealand Language History Geography People
New Zealand New Zealand is an island country in the southwestern Pacific Ocean. The capital on New Zealand is Wellington.
Language English is the predominant language in New Zealand, spoken by 98 percent of the population. New Zealand English is similar to Australian English and many speakers from the Northern Hemisphere are unable to tell the accents apart.
History New Zealand was one of the last major landmasses settled by humans. The first Europeans known to have reached New Zealand were Dutch explorer Abel Tasman and his crew.
Geography New Zealand is located near the centre of the water hemisphere and is made up of two main islands and a number of smaller islands.
People They are a combination of British and Maoris. Their country in slighty bigger than Britain but has fewer than four million people. Two-thirds of New Zealanders live in cities or towns.
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