State Space Search and Planning General Game PlayingLecture 4 Michael Genesereth Spring 2005
2 Outline Cases: Single Player, Complete Information (today) Multiple Players, Partial Information (next time) Search Direction:Search Strategy: Forward Search Depth First Backward Search Breadth First Bidirectional Search Iterative Deepening Issues: State Collapse (Graph Search) Evaluation Functions
3 State Machine Model c be f h i dgj a k
4 Game Trees a c hg d ji b fe
5 Search Direction
6 Forward Search Even without variables, the number of models to be checked can be exceedingly large. There are, in general, infinitely many models to check. As it turns out, Relational Logic has two nice properties that help to deal with this problem. (1)Whenever a set of premises logically entails a conclusions, there is a finite proof of the conclusion from the premises. (2)It is possible to enumerate all proofs in a systematic way.
7 Backward Search Even without variables, the number of models to be checked can be exceedingly large. There are, in general, infinitely many models to check. As it turns out, Relational Logic has two nice properties that help to deal with this problem. (1)Whenever a set of premises logically entails a conclusions, there is a finite proof of the conclusion from the premises. (2)It is possible to enumerate all proofs in a systematic way.
8 Bidirectional Search Even without variables, the number of models to be checked can be exceedingly large. There are, in general, infinitely many models to check. As it turns out, Relational Logic has two nice properties that help to deal with this problem. (1)Whenever a set of premises logically entails a conclusions, there is a finite proof of the conclusion from the premises. (2)It is possible to enumerate all proofs in a systematic way.
9 Nodes function mguchkp (p,q,al) {cond(p=q, al; varp(p), mguchkp(p,cdr(assoc(q,al)),al); atom(q), nil; t, some(lambda(x).mguchkp(p,x,al),q))}
10 Node Expansion function expand (node) (let (data al nl) {var player = player(node); var role = role(player) for action in legals(role,node) do old = data(node); data(node) == consaction(role,action,old); data = sort(simulate(node),#'minlessp); data(node) = old; if new = gethash(data,hasher(player)) then new else {new = makenode(player,data,theory, node); gethash(data,hasher(player)) = new; if termp(new) then score(new)= reward(role,new); (setf (score new) (reward (role player) new))) (setq nl (cons new nl)))) (setq al (acons (car l) new al)))))
11 Tree Expansion (defun expandnodes (player nodes) (do ((i 1) (node)) ((or (> i nodes) (null (fringe player))) 'done) (setq node (car (fringe player))) (setf (fringe player) (cdr (fringe player))) (unless (score node) (setq i (1+ i)) (setf (fringe player) (nconc (fringe player) (expandnode node))))))
12 Search Strategy
13 Game Trees a c hg d ji b fe
14 Breadth First Search a b c d e f g h i j a c hg d ji b fe Advantage: Finds shortest path Disadvantage: Consumes large amount of space
15 Depth First Search a c hg d ji b fe a b e f c g h d i j Advantage: Small intermediate storage Disadvantage: Susceptible to garden paths Disadvantage: Susceptible to infinite loops
16 Time Comparison Analysis for branching 2 and depth d and solution at depth k
17 Time Comparison Analysis for branching b and depth d and solution at depth k.
18 Space Comparison Worst Case Space Analysis for search depth d and depth k.
19 Iterative Deepening Run depth-limited search repeatedly, starting with a small initial depth, incrementing on each iteration, until success or run out of alternatives.
20 Example a c hg d ji b fe a a b c d a b e f c g h d i j Advantage: Small intermediate storage Advantage: Finds shortest path Advantage: Not susceptible to garden paths Advantage: Not susceptible to infinite loops
21 Time Comparison
22 General Results Theorem [Korf]: The cost of iterative deepening search is b/(b-1) times the cost of depth-first search (where b is the branching factor). Theorem: The space cost of iterative deepening is no greater than the space cost for depth-first search.
23 Implementation function expand (node) (let (player role data al nl) var player=player(node); var role=role(player) for action in legals(role,node) do old = data(node); data(node) = consaction(role,action,old); data = sort(simulate(node),#'minlessp); data(node) = old; if new = gethash(data,hasher(player)) then new else {new = makenode(player,data,theory, node); gethash(data,hasher(player)) = new; if termp(new) then score(new)= reward(role,new); (setf (score new) (reward (role player) new))) (setq nl (cons new nl)))) (setq al (acons (car l) new al)))))
24 Graphs versus Trees
25 State Collapse The game tree for Tic-Tac-Toe has approximately 900,000 nodes. There are approximately 5,000 distinct states. Searching the tree requires 180 times more work than searching the graph. One small hitch: The graph is implicit in the state description and must be built in advance or incrementally. Recognizing a repeated state takes time that varies with the size of the graph thus far seen. Solution: Hashing.
26 Hashing function mguchkp (p,q,al) {cond(p=q, al; varp(p), mguchkp(p,cdr(assoc(q,al)),al); atom(q), nil; t, some(lambda(x).mguchkp(p,x,al),q))}
27 Sorting The game tree for Tic-Tac-Toe has approximately 900,000 nodes. There are approximately 5,000 distinct states. Searching the tree requires 180 times more work than searching the graph. One small hitch: The graph is implicit in the state description and must be built in advance or incrementally. Recognizing a repeated state takes time that varies with the size of the graph thus far seen. Solution: Hashing.
28 Ordering Code (defun minlessp (x y) (cond ((numberp x) (not (and (numberp y) (< y x)))) ((symbolp x) (cond ((numberp y) nil) ((symbolp y) (string< (symbol-name x) (symbol-name y)))) ((numberp y) nil) ((symbolp y) nil) (t (do ((l x (cdr l)) (m y (cdr m))) (nil) (cond ((null l) (return (not (null m)))) ((null m) (return nil)) ((minlessp (car l) (car m)) (return t)) ((equal (car l) (car m))) (t (return nil)))))))))
29 Node Expansion With State Collapse function expand (node) (let (player role data al nl) var player=player(node); var role=role(player) for action in legals(role,node) do old = data(node); data(node) = consaction(role,action,old); data = sort(simulate(node),#'minlessp); data(node) = old; if new = gethash(data,hasher(player)) then new else {new = makenode(player,data,theory, node); gethash(data,hasher(player)) = new; if termp(new) then score(new)= reward(role,new); (setf (score new) (reward (role player) new))) (setq nl (cons new nl)))) (setq al (acons (car l) new al)))))
30 Early Termination
31 Heuristic Search These are all techniques for blind search. In traditional approaches to game-playing, it is common to use evaluation functions to assess the quality of game state and, presumably, the likelihood of achieving the goal. Example: piece count in chess. In general game playing, the rules are not known in advance, and it is not possible to devise an evaluation function without such rules. We will discuss techniques for inventing evaluation functions in a later session.
32 Evaluation Functions Even without variables, the number of models to be checked can be exceedingly large. There are, in general, infinitely many models to check. As it turns out, Relational Logic has two nice properties that help to deal with this problem. (1)Whenever a set of premises logically entails a conclusions, there is a finite proof of the conclusion from the premises. (2)It is possible to enumerate all proofs in a systematic way.
33 Scores function maxscore (node) {cond(score(node); null(alist(node),nil; t, for l = alist(node) with score = nil with max = 0 when null(l) return(max) do score <- maxscore(cdar(l)); cond(score = 100,return(100); ~numberp(score), max <- nil; ~max; score > max, max <- score))}
34 Best Move function bestmove (node) {var best = nil; var score = nil; for pair in alist(node) do score = maxscore(cdr(pair)) cond(score = 100, return(car pair); score = 0, nil; null(best), best <- car(pair)) best or car(alist(node))}