Child & Young Person Development TDA 2.1 Session 2
Objectives / Amcanion Explore communication Investigate social & emotional development Participate in class activities
Language development Language development is very closely linked with cognitive development, and delay in one area usually affects progress in the other.
‘Language is the main way in which human beings communicate’ Beaver et al(2001) ‘The ability to communicate with others is essential to the ability to socialise’ Tassoni et al ( 2007)
Children learn to speak through observation, imitation and reinforcement, and are rewarded for producing sounds because they gain attention from their parents, cares, teachers & peers.
Language development is the development of communication skills. These include, Receptive speech Expressive speech Articulation
Communication can be… Body language Facial expressions Pictures & symbols Language
Describing events/objects Explanations & instructions Predicting & anticipating Assertiveness Self-direction Gaining reassurance and help Socialising Asking questions Communication skills
Think of an activity that will promote communication skills in children.
Social development Emotional development
Emotional development is the growth of the child’s ability to feel and express an increasing range of emotions appropriately. Social development is the growth of a child’s ability to relate to others appropriately, and become independent. Beaver et al (2001)
Emotional Development Emotional development is the ability to identify, manage and understand your own feelings. It is closely linked with Social development Feeling happy, sad, angry, upset, excited. Having confidence and self worth. Creating and forming relationships. Emotions can shape your behaviour. Development of empathy.
Social Development Social development looks into the skills needed to be among others. Improving an individuals wellbeing Interacting with others Forming bonds. Making friends. Sharing interests.
A very important strand to emotional & social development is the development of, Self-concept Self-image A child’s self-concept and self-image is established gradually over the first few years of their life.
Task 2 Write down what you think about yourself and how people perceive you. Then write down what you think of your partner. Now compare your answers.
Task 5 In groups make a list of all the emotions you can think of.
Identify the Correct Emotion!FearDisgustAngerSadnessInterestJoy
Task 6 To reinforce what we have been learning today, watch the you tube clip and make a cootie. Use questions on the cootie relevant to today's topic.
What can affect development? Diet Love and Affection Sleep Stimulation Environmental factors Medical conditions Poverty Housing Accidents Parental Health and Lifestyle Emotional and social factors