Begin Ch. 5 vocabulary flashcards or definition sheet (include a context statement using the term) Ch.5 terms on front table
Today’s target: 1) Identify & explain how colonial American society differed from Europe 2) Explain how the Great Awakening & Enlightenment shaped American thought
Guess which one?
English? Lived longer Or Nah? (American Colonists) Were 2” taller Had larger families Paid 75% fewer taxes Had better diets Were 20% richer Their children 2x more likely to reach adulthood Were healthier In the 1760s who ? Better educated (more could read)
English? Lived longer Or Nah? (American Colonists) Were 2” taller Had larger families Paid 75% fewer taxes Had better diets Were 20% richer Their children 2x more likely to reach adulthood Were healthier In the 1760s who ? Better educated (more could read)
English? Lived longer Or Nah? (English Colonists) Were 2” taller Had larger families Paid 75% fewer taxes Had better diets Were 20% richer Their children 2x more likely to reach adulthood Were healthier In the 1760s who ? Better educated (more could read) What can you conclude?
So... 1) By the 1760s the English colonists in some way had literally “evolved” into a different people altogether And 2) colonists had been culturally transformed as well Two things: And now, I introduce to you...
An American!
The British colonies developed a unique culture shaped by prosperity, literacy, and new ideas about religion and government. Read One American’s Story, p.127 What change from the old world of Europe does this represent? Ch. 5 An “American Identity”
Today’s target: 1) Identify & explain how colonial American society differed from Europe 2) Explain how the Great Awakening & Enlightenment shaped American thought
British Social Classes Colonial America Social Classes % of Total Population upper middle lower upper middle What explains the differences?
Turn to page 128 Britain and the American Colonies 1.What differences do you notice between the two diagrams? 2. What do the diagrams reveal about social mobility in the colonies?
Today’s target: 1) Identify & explain how colonial American society differed from Europe 2) Explain how the Great Awakening & Enlightenment shaped American thought
A New Kind of Society More people had the opportunity to prosper & learn to read The colonies had more social mobility & no titled aristocracy (born into wealth) More people owned land Colonists faced new climates & living conditions Colonists had more political rights including the vote (political power) Colonists had a large middle class (economic power)
Religious Revival & the Enlightenment Enlightenment thinkers believed in progress in all areas of life The Enlightenment values justice, equality, & political rights Great Awakening offered hope of breaking with the past Religious diversity reduced the influence of established churches Locke claimed people had a natural right to life, liberty, & property The idea of spiritual equality encouraged social equality
The American Identity Economy p. 128 Education p ) Children taught to read the Bible & other books 2) High literacy rate Religion p ) Religion is important 2) the “Great Awakening” spreads religious feelings 3) All can be “saved” (God is democratic just like the emerging American society); Spiritual equality promote social equality Publishing p ) Colonists publish numerous newspapers & books 2) Reading unites the colonists 3) Ben Franklin’s work popularizes reading Political Ideas p )Colonists expect “rights”; the right to life, liberty, & property 2) Enlightenment emphasizes that people can change/improve War p ) The French & Indian War (& others before it) unite the colonists against common enemies “Us” v. “Them” 1)Better economic opportunities 2) Better chance to own land 3) All can succeed in America 4) Large middle class
Complete side 2 of Ch.5.1 handout
Underline or highlight the words or phrases that help you determine the main idea Traits of Americans After a foreigner from any part in Europe is arrived and become a citizen, let him devoutly listen to the voice of our great parent, which says to him, “Welcome to my shores, distressed European; bless the hour in which thou didst see my green fields, my fair navigable rivers, and my green mountains! If thou wilt work, I have bread for thee; if thou wilt be honest, sober, industrious, I have great rewards to confer on thee – ease and independence, I will give thee fields to feed and clothe thee; a comfortable fireside to sit by... Go thou, and work and till; thou shall prosper, provide thou be just, grateful, and industrious.” 1. Main idea:
Underline or highlight the words or phrases that help you determine the main idea Traits of Americans I am so to say it, but idleness is the general character of the men in the southern part of this colony as well as in North Carolina. The air is so mild, and the soil so fruitful, that very little labor is required to fill their bellies, especially where the woods afford such plenty of game. These advantages discharge the men from the necessity of killing themselves with work, and, then, for the other article of clothing, a very little of that will suffice in so temperate a climate. But so much as is absolutely necessary falls to the good women’s share to provide. They all spin, weave, and knit, whereby they make a good shift to clothe the whole family. 2. Main idea: