connect communicate collaborate 1 On The Connecting Europe Facility and GÉANT Dorte Olesen TF-MSP May 7
connect communicate collaborate 2 2 Introduction CEF budget cut from EUR 2.3 bill to EUR 1 bill Budget now expected to be used on core services No budget expected for access services. Access budget to be obtained by the member states. CEF Study awarded to Cap Gemini expected to continue undisturbed NREN PC agreed in 2012 to have TERENA coordinate the contact to potential bidders and follow the development Regular information flow from John Dyer to the NREN PC on these developments
connect communicate collaborate 3 3 CEF and GN3plus project The following subtask of NA 4, task 3 has been agreed by all partners: To make contact with a representative sample of public sector organisations to evaluate possible exploitation of GÉANT and NREN networking technologies by European administrations. This work will also liaise with and follow developments in the proposed Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) initiative
connect communicate collaborate 4 4 Indications from EC Relation to commercial sector: CEF considered as a closed user group The Commission is aggregating need and needs are in the end satisfied by commercial suppliers, however these may be acting as GÉANT suppliers Commission has asked for indicative cost: Covering EU28 countries with 5 GBit/s in average. Security to be obtained using end to end encryption CEF handled as as either one new (big) NREN or 28 other NRENs – Fully paying partner in the Cost Sharing mechanism CEF element 100% funded by EC If realized this could mean considerable savings in GÉANT costs as seen from the NREN perspective