Main Question: Can too much of a good thing be bad for you? Nick, G, Bella M, Chris B & Brittney G
There are many items of food that we eat daily that if we eat in bulk, will cause harm. Some of them include; Sugar, Carbohydrates, dairy products, salt, fibre, citrus fruits Etc.
For the human body to work efficiently it needs some salt in its diet. But if used out of proportion salt can become a hazard. Short term effects Too much or too little salt in the diet can lead to muscle cramps or dizziness. Long term effects Stroke Cardiovascular disease High blood pressure
If some vitamins are over taken they can and will harm you. For example; If vitamin A is over taken your chances of dying prematurely goes up by 16 percent If vitamin c is over taken it has unpleasant effects on your stomach and urinary tract.
Eating a small apple (100g) gives an antioxidant effect equivalent to taking 1500mg of vitamin C and you'd have to take a mega- dose supplement to achieve that. This shows that real quality food is what you really need to improve vitamin problems.
Over dieting can cause; Anorexia Not eating or purging (making yourself throw up) Dieting becomes dangerous when your body loses weight too quickly.
It depends on skin tone Vitamin pills/tablets may be needed for people who have trouble getting enough vitamin D. Spending too much time in the sun can cause skin cancer/s: Melanoma Squamous cell carcinoma
Preventions: Using sunscreen or sun block Staying in the shade Wear protective clothes that cover yours skin (ie. hat, sun glasses, long sleeve tops and pants)
Long term effects Heart damage High blood pressure Stroke Liver damage Short term effects Unable to walk Blurred vision Judgement effect
Minor injuries can easily turn into major injuries such as, A cut can get infected and lead to: Redness around the cut, Discharges e.g. pus and blood Itchiness, swelling Green/yellow scab.
Your body perceives exercise as a type of stress, and chemically reacts the same way it does to "bad" stress. Too much exercise can result in symptoms such as; Insomnia Achiness (pain in the muscles and joints) Fatigue
It also causes loss in appetite, feeling unmotivated, lacking energy, injuries such as stress fractures muscles strains or worse tears.
Long periods of stress such as stress from relationships, work and other causes is bad. Our immune system is weakened so you get sick more often. You sleep less. You eat less.
Long-term stressful situations can produce; A lasting, low-level stress that's hard on people. The nervous system then senses continued pressure and may remain slightly activated. Then continues to pump out extra stress hormones over an extended period.
Rose, D (2008) “Official health warning on risk of vitamin supplements.” Available: ealth/article ece 26 June ealth/article ece Healthrob (2009) “The dangers of taking vitamin supplements.” Available: vitamin-supplements/. 26 June 2011.The dangers of taking vitamin supplements vitamin-supplements/ “Salt.” (2011) Available: 26 June June 2011
cancer/cancer_types/skin_cancers_non_melanoma& utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_conte nt=Skin-cancer&utm_campaign=Cancer-types cancer/cancer_types/skin_cancers_non_melanoma& utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_conte nt=Skin-cancer&utm_campaign=Cancer-types ticle.htm ticle.htm