George Gordon Byron ( )
One of the greatest English poets, ranks high among the 19 th century revolutionary romanticists. One of the greatest English poets, ranks high among the 19 th century revolutionary romanticists. Byron graduated from Cambridge University Byron graduated from Cambridge University In 1812 he made two fiery revolutionary speeches in Parliament and after that the poet was obliged to leave England in 1816 never to return to his native land. In 1812 he made two fiery revolutionary speeches in Parliament and after that the poet was obliged to leave England in 1816 never to return to his native land.
As a revolutionary romanticist he condemned tyranny, criticized the rising capitalism, opposed militarism, supported the national liberation movement. As a revolutionary romanticist he condemned tyranny, criticized the rising capitalism, opposed militarism, supported the national liberation movement. His poetry is a challenge to the laws, morals and religion of the bourgeois people and their society. His poetry is a challenge to the laws, morals and religion of the bourgeois people and their society.
The best works are: “Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage” “Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage” Oriental poems: Oriental poems: “The Corsair” “Lara” “The Prisoner of Chillon” Byron’s masterpiece is a satirical novel in verse “Don Juan” Byron’s masterpiece is a satirical novel in verse “Don Juan”
Romantisms beigās un sākumā literatūrā, tēlotājā mākslā un mūzikā ienāk jauns mākslas izpausmes virziens, kas ātri kļūst populārs visu mākslas virzienu pārstāvju vidū. Tas ir romantisms (franču val. – romantisme). Tas ir idejisks mākslas virziens šai laikā Eiropas un Amerikas garīgajā kultūrā. beigās un sākumā literatūrā, tēlotājā mākslā un mūzikā ienāk jauns mākslas izpausmes virziens, kas ātri kļūst populārs visu mākslas virzienu pārstāvju vidū. Tas ir romantisms (franču val. – romantisme). Tas ir idejisks mākslas virziens šai laikā Eiropas un Amerikas garīgajā kultūrā.
Romantisma rašanās izraisīja vilšanās Lielajā franču revolūcijā un apgaismības ideoloģijā. Romantisma rašanās izraisīja vilšanās Lielajā franču revolūcijā un apgaismības ideoloģijā. Romantiķi savas daiļrades priekšplānā izvirzīja cilvēka garīgo dzīvi, parādot ar kaislībām apveltītu un traģiski vientuļu stipra rakstura cilvēku. Romantiķi savas daiļrades priekšplānā izvirzīja cilvēka garīgo dzīvi, parādot ar kaislībām apveltītu un traģiski vientuļu stipra rakstura cilvēku.
Raksturīgākās romantisma stila iezīmes: 1. pacilātība, 2. emocionalitāte, 3. subjektīvisms, 4. kontrastainība, 5. eksotika, 6. simbolu un izteiktu hiperbolu kā mākslinieciskās izteiksmes līdzekļu izmantošanas paņēmieni. Raksturīgākās romantisma stila iezīmes: 1. pacilātība, 2. emocionalitāte, 3. subjektīvisms, 4. kontrastainība, 5. eksotika, 6. simbolu un izteiktu hiperbolu kā mākslinieciskās izteiksmes līdzekļu izmantošanas paņēmieni.
Childe Harold's Pilgrimage is a lengthy narrative poem in four parts written by Lord Byron. It was published between 1812 and 1818 and is dedicated to "Ianthe". The poem describes the travels and reflections of a world-weary young man who, disillusioned with a life of pleasure and revelry, looks for distraction in foreign lands. is a lengthy narrative poem in four parts written by Lord Byron. It was published between 1812 and 1818 and is dedicated to "Ianthe". The poem describes the travels and reflections of a world-weary young man who, disillusioned with a life of pleasure and revelry, looks for distraction in foreign lands.
In a wider sense, it is an expression of the melancholy and disillusionment felt by a generation weary of the wars of the post- Revolutionary and Napoleonic eras. The title comes from the term childe, a medieval title for a young man who was a candidate for knighthood. In a wider sense, it is an expression of the melancholy and disillusionment felt by a generation weary of the wars of the post- Revolutionary and Napoleonic eras. The title comes from the term childe, a medieval title for a young man who was a candidate for knighthood.