Registration complete? CQC Inspection visit Routine Responsive Themed
CQC Registration Achieving Team Engagement Kate Hodkinson
Routine visit 48 hours notice On site – roughly 7 hours One inspector 5 standards ( not told which) Inspector preparation Practice readiness
Inspector Preparation Consider the information they hold Help to decide which standards they may assess Your registration document QRP Contract monitoring - QOF Complaints Healthwatch Public
Practice Preparation Patients Continuous patient feedback CQC website “ Please tell us your experience” Information for patients Notice of the inspector visit Talk to inspector following their appointment# Telephone calls
Practice Preparation Preparing the team Practice manager available on the day Legal power to access records without consent – although they would usually get consent Everyone briefed and ready to take part
Team Preparation
What do the team need to know? The role of CQC The Registered Manager Location of working policies and protocols Content of policies relevant to their work Knowledge of the patient population Practice mechanisms for feedback & communication Internal and external communication and service sharing
Validated evidence Use of Chaperones Policy Relevant staff know where it is and the content It is updated regularly through a recognised system Training & Guidance Staff received training or instruction on their role Patients Patients informed through notices, verbally, website or other mechanisms
Validated evidence Use of Chaperones Through the visit Patients in the waiting room Questionnaires or other feedback Clinical information system – Read Codes
Preparing the Team
Can you demonstrate? Appraisal and training records Policies and protocols Risk assessments Audits and checks Staff files up to date and complete Awareness of and access to applicable publications Information for patients
Any questions Tel: