1 B/Z/M F 06 - Lec 12 Today’s theme: using old exams What is the best way to use old exams (from my website)? –Look up all the answers and then just study those answered questions? –Use them as a way to measure your progress in studying?
2 B/Z/M F 06 - Lec 12 Today’s theme: using old exams I suggest: –Put away your notes & book. –Print out one exam TODAY and take it (the whole thing). Just do the best you can. –Look up the answers to ALL the questions if you’re not sure, ask! –What is your score?
3 B/Z/M F 06 - Lec 12 Today’s theme: using old exams Then: –Study the topics you missed. –Print out the other exam and take it. What is your score? –Study again – focus on the material you missed.
4 B/Z/M F 06 - Lec 12 Today’s theme: using old exams A few more thoughts: –I write questions from lecture notes. –Most material is the same as in previous semesters, but the questions will be new. –You are not responsible for vocabulary I didn’t cover this semester.