TURKEY Coordinating Institute (partner signing the CA) TÜBITAK Marmara Research center National team description (if any) 1.TÜBITAK Marmara Research Center, Earth and Marine Sciences Institute (TUBITAK MRC EMSI), Gebze-Kocaeli, 2.Kandilli Observatory and Earthquake Research Institute (KOERI), Istanbul 3.General Directorate of Disasters Affairs (GDDA), Ankara and the Prime Ministry's Office for Disaster and Emergency Management (ODEM) Contact TÜBITAK Marmara Research Center, Earth and Marine Sciences Institute
RIs description Description of national Research Infrastructures to be integrated in EPOS Near real time weak- and strong-motion seismology data (KOERI and GDDA) Near real time GPS data from continuously-run stations (TÜBITAK MRC EMSI) Local microseismology data (aftershocks) following earthquakes M>6 in Turkey (TÜBITAK MRC EMSI and GDDA) Fault plane solutions for 3,5 >M<5 in Marmara, Aegean Extensional System (AES) and East Anatolian Fault System (EAFS) Marmara, (TÜBITAK MRC EMSI) Support to multilateral collaborative (with European partnerships) earthquake researches in Turkey (by EPOS-Turkish Steering Committee namely; TÜBITAK MRC EMSI, KOERI, GDDA) Additionally, it is necessary to establish a Pan European infrastructure and group for aftershock studies (in “Search and Rescue” spirit) for which details were given in 3M-ERL project proposal (colloborations between Turkey, Greece, Romania, Bulgaria, Italy, ???).
Governmental Links Describe the commitment from your national government and/or funding agencies State Planning Organisation (SPO) and TUBITAK are the main funding agencies. TUBITAK funds through research projects. SPO funds through research infrastructure projects. National body coordinating ESFRI initiatives State Planning Organisation (SPO) and partially TUBITAK Status at national level Support can be received in case counterpart funding from EU can be granted.
Networks in Operation (1/3) TUBITAK MRC EMSI
Networks in Operation (2/3) General Directorate of Disasters Affairs (GDDA) Weak motion network Strong motion network
Networks in Operation (3/3) Kandilli Observatory and Earthquake Research Institute (KOERI)