IHAD Session 3: Global Health Players To develop an understanding of the global health development goals and place of health in the development assistance architecture To develop an understanding of Canada’s international development policies and the Canada’s Official Development Assistance (ODA) To understand the mandate and role of other development players
Global health development goals What does this mean? - Increased well-being at the global level - Decreasing the equity gap - Increased access to existing health services - Economic and security motives - Strong infrastructure, including capacity-building
Millenium development goals Poverty reduction Universal education Gender equality Child health Maternal health Combat HIV, malaria, TB Environmental sustainability Global partnerships
Millenium development goals How were these developed? - Developed by the UN, monitored by the UNDP and MDG Gap Task Force How were they different than previous goals? - Specific goals, with a timeline - Measurable: 48 indicators Weaknesses - Relies on aid from donors - Optional: little/no incentive/enforcement : too ambitious/optimistic - Even if targets are reached, it isn’t nec. by the most disadvantaged - China/India Growth - Other issues get neglected - Health systems don’t always monitor/document properly
MDGs Which ones relate to health?
MDGs Why are they important? How are they different from previous international goals? Do you see any weaknesses in this approach?
MDGs How are they monitored?
MDGs MDG Gap Task Force UNDP Reports
MDGs What has been the progress? China & India SubSaharan Africa? Central & South America?
MDGs Why do countries fail? Security or economic issues Corruption, lack of transparency Human resource limitations Lack of practitioners Migration Lack of absorptive capacity Temporary funding makes it hard to achieve long-term goals High costs Weak health systems
MDGs Why do countries fail? Lack of absorptive capacity Weak health systems Human resource limitations High costs
MDGs What are global level constraints to scaling up? Poverty Gender Divide between humanitarian and development assistance
MDGs HS Building BlocksMDG Priorities Leadership & Governance? Health Financing? Service DeliveryYes Health WorkforceYes, partially Medical Products & TechnologyYes M&E, Surveillance & ResearchYes, partially
Canada’s Official Development Assistance What are main priorities? How does health fit in? Do you see any gaps? How are health goals related to other international goals?
Canada’s Official Development Assistance ODA contributes to poverty reduction; takes into account the perspectives of the poor; and is consistent with international human rights standards (Allows for emergency assistance in case of natural disasters) Focus on maternal, newborn & child health (Muskoka Initiative) in 10 countries National plans to support above Health system gaps to support above Expand access to services
Canada’s Official Development Assistance Key activities in each?
Canada’s Official Development Assistance Major players?
Canada’s Official Development Assistance CIDA IDRC DFAIT To lesser extent, NGOs, Private Sector Voluntary Sector
Canada’s Official Development Assistance Group work for break
Canada’s Official Development Assistance HS Building BlocksCanada’s Priorities Leadership & Governance Health Financing Service Delivery Health Workforce Medical Products & Technology M&E, Surveillance & Research
Global Health Players Who are these? What are their major roles?
Global Health Players WHO Major roles?
Global Health Players Unicef Major roles?
Global Health Players UNFPA Major roles?
Global Health Players UNAIDS Major roles?
Global Health Players UNODC (UN Office on Drugs & Crimes) Major roles?
Global Health Players Other related organizations? Major roles?
Global Health Players UNDP World Food Program UNHCR International Migration Organization International Labor Organization World Bank
Global Health Players What important changes have occurred in Global Health Players in last decade and why?
Global Health Players Important changes: