2 pt 3 pt 4 pt 5 pt 1 pt 2 pt 3 pt 4 pt 5 pt 1 pt 2 pt 3 pt 4 pt 5 pt 1 pt 2 pt 3 pt 4 pt 5 pt 1 pt 2 pt 3 pt 4 pt 5 pt 1 pt Space Vehicles Space Exploration VocabularyTELESCOPES Random
Type of space vehicle used in cases where distance or danger is too great.
What are space probes?
Take off like a rocket and land like a plane.
What are space shuttles?
An object put in an orbit in space to complete a specific task or purpose.
What is an artificial satellite?
The only space vehicle that is reusable.
What is a space shuttle?
A space vehicle that is moved forward by escaping gases.
What is a rocket?
The first man in space.
Who is Yuri Gagarin?
The first man on the moon.
Who is Neil Armstrong?
The first American in space.
Who is John Glenn?
The day man first walked on the moon.
What is July 20, 1969?
The father of modern rocketry.
Who is Robert Goddard?
A man-made body that orbits another body in space.
What is an artificial satellite?
The term for the force that moves a rocket.
What is thrust?
Composed of visible and invisible forms of energy.
What is the electromagnetic spectrum?
The organization formed because of the launch of Sputnik I.
What is NASA? National Aeronautics and Space Administration
The name for an unmanned space vehicle that travels into deep space to gather information.
What is a space probe?
Telescopes that use mirrors to concentrate visible light.
What is a reflecting telescope?
Telescopes that use lenses to concentrate the energy from the image to be viewed.
What are refracting telescopes?
This can interfere with the image on optical telescopes and is why scientists sometimes place them on mountaintops.
What is the earth’s atmosphere (pollution and light from large cities)?
The type of telescope that must be placed in orbit outside of the earth’s atmosphere in order to collect non- visible light from the electromagnetic spectrum.
What is a non-optical telescope? Specifically: radio, gamma, x-ray, infrared.
The type of telescope that collects and concentrates only visible light.
What is an optical telescope?
The German scientist who helped with the U.S. Space program after he was brought to America.
Who is Von Braun?
The Hubble Space telescope uses visible light to study objects in space and is this type of telescope.
What is reflecting telescope?
The technology innovation that allows us to find our exact location on Earth.
What is GPS?
The type of orbit in which a satellite is only a few hundred kilometers above the Earth’s surface traveling at a high speed around the Earth.
What is a LEO? (Low Earth Orbit)
The type of orbit where a satellite travels at the same speed as Earth so it stays in the same position above the Earth at all times.
What is a GEO? (geostationary orbit)