3 Advanced Highers OR 4 Options 2 Advanced Highers, 1 Higher + School Service 4 Highers 1 Advanced Higher, 2 Highers + 1 National 5 etc COURSE COMMITMENT
There is a greater degree of flexibility but your prior attainment will be looked at closely You choose options to suit where you want to get to (job, college, uni etc) BUT You must meet the course commitment Mrs McDonald has to approve every application to S6 CAN I DO WHAT I LIKE?
No choice sheet, therefore no set columns Choose your options from the list available Rank them in order of priority – very important Information goes in to a computer program and it generates the columns Meet the deadline given because there is a lot of input after that OPTIONS SHEET
Information about all options will be available on the school website soon (no course booklet) Read the details carefully, especially entry requirements INFORMATION ON OPTIONS
QMU Academies Creative Industries Health and Social Care Hospitality and Tourism Thursday or Friday afternoon Application form and interview EXTRAS
Fashion and Textiles Technology (Nat 4/5) Software Development (Nat 4/5) Borders College (Tuesday and Thursday afternoon) Application form and interview MORE EXTRAS
Higher Psychology (S6 only) Delivered at Borders College Classes on Thursday or Friday afternoon Short application form and research task to be completed before interview EVEN MORE EXTRAS
SRU School of Rugby (to be confirmed) Delivered in school by outside coaches Must have genuine interest in rugby Mr Changleng to have an input to who is accepted YET MORE EXTRAS
YASS (Young Applicant Scotland Scheme) Open University modules (equivalent to Advanced Higher depending on number of credits) Introduction to Scots Law, Digital Engineering, Art History etc – list of courses available will be on the website Apply through Mrs McDonald LAST LOT OF EXTRAS
Work experience can count as an option It must take up a reasonable amount of time and add value to what you are doing in school It has to be linked to your career path WORK EXPERIENCE
Research what you need to do to get to the next stage beyond school Meet Guidance teacher and discuss way forward Think carefully about options in order of priority Think about extras which may enhance future applications WHAT NEXT?