February 3, 2005Raising the CO Civic Canopy Developing Indicators of Civic Health An idea from the Colorado Civic Canopy
February 3, 2005Raising the CO Civic Canopy What are indicators? Indicators are quantitative measures a community can use to describe itself. Examples: Population Per capita income Employment rate Proportion of adults with at least a high school diploma Teen pregnancy rate
February 3, 2005Raising the CO Civic Canopy What are civic indicators? Civic indicators are quantitative measures of a community’s civic health, or its level of civic engagement. Examples: Voter registration or participation Attendance at community events or public meetings Citizen understanding of community decision-making process Rate of volunteerism Level of participation in political campaigns
February 3, 2005Raising the CO Civic Canopy “Civic indicators measure the quality of our community’s life in terms of its collective capacity to process information, involve stakeholders, and make decisions that will positively affect all the other aspects of the quality of life. From this perspective, the concept of ‘civic’ encompasses collective learning, involvement, and decision making that takes place throughout the community” (emphasis added). Jacksonville (FL) Community Council, Inc.
February 3, 2005Raising the CO Civic Canopy Why do we need indicators? To track and maintain progress in improving civic engagement over time; To keep diverse communities and organizations focused on common goals; To promote collaboration and alignment of work across organizations, sectors and geographic locations; To facilitate public support and participation for the Canopy’s work.
February 3, 2005Raising the CO Civic Canopy Statewide Civic Indicators? A small number of statewide civic indicators will serve as the basis for a biennial progress report to the citizens of Colorado. The Canopy will ask interested communities to adopt the statewide indicators.
February 3, 2005Raising the CO Civic Canopy What do we want from you? Participation in the process of developing and refining statewide indicators and sub- indicators; Help getting individuals, communities and other organizations to join us in developing appropriate indicators and projects; Ideas about projects on which we can work together to improve civic engagement as measured by the indicators.