Sirius Team’s I nformational Handout A handy reference guide for families of Team 7C.
BECAUSE LEARNING IS… * Interactive, cooperative, and active *Hands-on, inquiry based, and challenging *Evolving and progressive, building on concepts and skills taught from previous lessons… It is important to remember that CONSISTENT DAILY ATTENDANCE IS VITAL
Your Child’s Teachers Math- Mrs. Tattrie English- Ms. Lamarre Science- Mrs. Collie Social Studies- Mrs. Martella Literacy Workshop- Mrs. Bilotti Unified Learning Support Specialist- Mrs. Silverman
Working TOGETHER, We can help them realize this dream.
Department Nights Teachers volunteer their time to allow your child to stay at school for one hour four times per week. M: ELA T: Math TH: SS F: Science Time should be used to either: Buddy study Catch up on make-up work Ask questions Organize
Let’s Keep in Touch! Join the team’s List Serv Check your child’s agenda NIGHTLY Check the Team Website WEEKLY Feel free to the teachers at anytime. Call us at Write a note in your child’s agenda. Attend Parent Conferences Attend Team Events