LIGO-G Z LIGO Scientific Collaboration1 Upcoming Meetings April APS meeting, April 14-17, Jacksonville, FL L-V Meeting, May 21-25, Cascina, Italy »VESF School on GWs; May 28 - Jun 1 Cascina l LIGO PAC, June 14-15, Caltech GR18/Amaldi 7, July 8-14, Sydney, Australia »Abstract deadline April 27 »“Stabilisation of Parametric Instabilities in Advanced Gravitational Wave Detectors”, July 16-18, Perth Australia L-V Meeting, July 23-26, MIT »LSC Council Meeting L-V Meeting, October (tentative), Hannover, Germany L-V Meeting, December 11-12, MIT GWDAW, December 13-16, MIT Numerical Relativity and Data Analysis, Jan 7-18, KITP, UCSB
LIGO-G Z LIGO Scientific Collaboration2 Thanks! Many people deserve our thanks »Bonnie Wooley for conference organization »Shannon Roddy, Dwayne Giardina, Mike Pedraza for network and telecom infrastructure »Linda Turner for DCC archiving »Larry Wallace and Veronica Kondrashov for remote computer, web support »And Joe Giaime and Gabriela Gonzalez!!
LIGO-G Z LIGO Scientific Collaboration3 Milestones Our first joint LSC-Virgo Collaboration has been a great success »~ 15 members of Virgo Collaboration at the meeting »Close coordination with Benoit Mours LIGO and Virgo will begin sharing data on May 18, 2007! »Lots of work to do, but the long term payoff is worth the effort Enhanced LIGO, Advanced LIGO moving ahead at full speed Peter Saulson can take credit for a very healthy and vibrant LSC
LIGO-G Z LIGO Scientific Collaboration4 See you in Cascina!