What can you remember? Time periods? Areas of Medicine? Factors that helped Medicine develop?
Lesson Objectives To identify the key features of understanding of disease and infection in the Dark Ages, Middle Ages, Islamic World and Renaissance, (theories, treatments and who treated the sick) To evaluate the extent of progress, continuity and regress in understanding of disease and infection in these time periods
What were the key features of disease and infection in these time periods? In your pairs you have post it notes. You have 20 minutes as a class to discuss in your teams key facts / dates / events / people etc You need to write as many of these key facts / features on the post its and then stick them on the correct piece of sugar paper for the time period We will then go through them as a class and points will be awarded
Dark Ages = Regress Regression – remember at the beginning there was continuity from Romans – briefly Lack of central government Lack of taxes Barbarian rulers prioritised war over education No Galen / Hippocrates – no books or libraries – most people illiterate Church = dominant Common sense medicine – plants / herbs Local treatments by wise men / women
Islamic World = Progress Kept ideas of Galen and Hippocrates Trained Doctors Empire run by Caliphs = interested in science and education Rhazes / Al Rhazi– Avicenna / Ibn Sina – Had hospitals Doctors encouraged to challenge and develop Hippocrates and Galen’s ideas
Middle Ages = slow progress Turning point = Crusades 1200 – soldiers from Europe went to Arab lands to reclaim Jerusalem – also brought back knowledge and ideas including Hippocrates and Galen Church = v. Powerful and reinforced supernatural – illness = God’s punishment but also took on Galen’s ideas as fitted with bible Criticising Galen = executed and Hell = regress long term
Middle Ages – who treated sick? 1090 ish – new medical school in Salerno – Southern Italy Clinical Observation, Hippocrates and keeping patients clean = stressed here 1221 Holy Roman Emporer Frederick said that ‘Only Doctors approved at Salerno could practise medicine’ More medical schools set up throughout MA in Italy and France – 14 th Century Universities where Drs could train Difference between rich and poor – doctors expensive – poor people treated locally
Black Death – Middle Ages Case Study Terrifying 1/3 Europe Bubonic – 5 day death – some survived Causes – God’s punishment, Jews, Astronomy – planet alignment Cures – Prayer, whipping self, pilgrimage, herbal concoctions
Renaissance – continuity, some progress Renaissance = rebirth – time of thinking and new ideas Challenged Galen and Hippocrates – Paracelsus, burnt books of Galen in lecture Trained doctor = expensive Apothecaries – agreed with Paracelsus – body = chemical make up so treat with chemicals Healers ‘Quacks’ – no official qualifications Women cared for sick and were midwives Cures = common sense and practical
Renaissance Case Study – Great Plague 1665 – London 1/3 London = dead Bubonic, Pneumonic, Septacaemic Causes – God, Comets, Miasma, Cats and Dogs Cures – Prayer, herbal mixtures, carrying sweet smelling flowers, killed cats and dogs Quack Doctors, nurses