The Core By Kevin Fuquay And Hunter Smith Period 5
The Core Discovered by Seismologist Inge Lehmann when certain earthquake waves passed through and others didn’t. Divided into 2 parts: Inner Core and Outer Core. The source of the Earth’s magnetic field. Rotates faster then the Earth. 15% of the volume of Earth.
Inner Core miles deep. Radius is 758 miles (70% the size of the moon.) Believed to be made of iron-nickel alloy. Temperature is believed to be 9800 degrees Fahrenheit. Slowly cooling: about 100 degrees Celsius every billion years.
Outer Core About miles deep. Liquid Core made of iron and nickel. Currents in the outer core believed to cause the magnetic field. Not under enough pressure to be solid. Temperature believed to be degrees Fahrenheit.
Magnetic Field Caused by the presence of the core. Protects Earth from solar winds, creates protective shield around Earth. Without the magnetic field, Earth would be like Mars (the solar wind would destroy the atmosphere). An example of a magnetic dipole (closed circulation of electric current.) North and South poles.
Earths Other Layers Crust is the outermost layer, thin (about 1% of Earth’s volume), made of sedimentary, igneous and metamorphic rock. Plate Tectonics sit on the crust. Mantle is largest part of earth (84%). Solid, made of rocks like peridotite, dunite and eclogite. Temperature is degrees Fahrenheit.