Delivering the Skills Agenda The North West Lifelong Learning Networks Regional Practitioners’ Conference Rhiannon Evans PVC, Edge Hill University 19 October 2007
Aims of the Conference 1. To raise awareness of LLN developments across the NW 2. To share experience and practice 3. To enable practitioners to discuss key themes 4. To give practitioners an opportunity to raise issues with a conference panel 5. To identify new opportunities for the future
Conference themes: 1. Employer Partnerships 2. Developing Provision 3. Progression Opportunities 4. Supporting and Advising Vocational Learners and Stakeholders
9.30Registration 10.00WelcomeConference Chair: Professor Rhiannon Evans 10.05LLNs and Higher Level Skills: A Northwest Perspective Lis Smith, Director of Skills Policy, NWDA 10.25Working with employers to develop HE provision that supports the higher level skills needs Penny Blackie, Director of Regional Strategy, FdF 10.45Employer HE Partnerships – What works well and what needs to improve Dr John Mumford, MD of Reputation Risk Consultants Ltd 11.10Workshops 1-4Various 12.10Lunch / Networking 13.00Workshops 1-4Various 14.00Planning ahead: Sustainability and the role of LLNs in supporting employer engagement, Diplomas Kevin Whitston, Head WP, HEFCE 14.30Panel discussionChaired: Erica Jones, Director of Liverpool City of Learning Closing RemarksProfessor Rhiannon Evans 15.30Close Conference Programme