Journals September 14 th to 18 th Mrs. Camarano’s Classes
9/14/15 Imagine that you could remove all the furniture in your classroom and replace it with items of your choice. Describe what your classroom looks like with your new choices. Draw pictures or a diagram, if you’d like (in addition to your description).
9/15/15 How are you feeling about the book we’re reading in class? (Call of the Wild/Illustrated Man) Anything disturbing to you? Anything intriguing? What questions do you still have? Write any predictions you may have at this point.
9/16/15 Imagine that you have just been named the class movie critic. Write a review about a movie that you have recently seen. Would you recommend it to others? Why/Why not? Explain your answer.
9/17/15 September 17 th is Citizenship Day (also Constitution Day). Describe 5-7 qualities of a good citizen. *Reminder: Journals are to be at least 5 Sentences*