Educational Context and Practice Class, gender & race and its impact on educational attainment.


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Presentation transcript:

Educational Context and Practice Class, gender & race and its impact on educational attainment

Today’s objectives 1)Discuss limitations on educational achievement in terms of class, gender and race 2)Research and explain information on one researcher on class, gender or race 3)Analyse case studies and apply info on class, gender & race 4)Analyse own teaching context and apply sociological issues

Class & Educational attainment What aspects of class might impact on E.A? How might different classes bring up their children?

Douglas (1964) –Parental interest no’1 factor (parents’ evening) –Begins at primary school Bernstein (1971) –Working class language (restricted) –Educational language (elaborated) –Is the working class culturally deprived?

Bordieu (1964) –Education system places importance on middle class values E.g. Football vs Literature Ball, Bowe & Gewirtz (1996) –Middle class parents can play the system –How? Ball (1981) –Labelling/banding

Gender & Educational Attainment Which gender under performs? What might be the reasons for this?

Abraham (1986) –Text book analysis (stereotypes) Stanworth (1983) –Limited classroom interaction –Why? Spender (1983) –Education is controlled by men (society) Switch from female to male underachievement Males do well at the high end of education & prestigious subjects

Recent themes Male dominance in science/technology subjects Women made inroads into medicine Perception of what s men’s work and ‘women’s work influences subject choice Colley (1998) –Perception of gender roles –Subject image –The learning environment

What explanations are there for the turn around in educational achievement?

Ethnicity and Educational achievement Are their any patterns in achievement and ethnicity? What reasons might their be for this

Connolly (1998) –Black boys Threat to discipline High value on masculinity –Black girls Potentially disruptive –Asian boys Immature (protected by supportive family) Difficult to compete with other boys –Asian girls Obedient and hard working Low status amongst peers (alien culture)

Hernstein & Murray (1994) –Black’s have a lower IQ –Refuted by Pilkington (1997) Driver & Ballard (1981) –In some Asian families English is not the first language Issue for females By 16 not an issue Drew (1995) –Ethnicity and class are intertwined –Class is a key driver

The system is inherently racist –Coard (1971) –Wright (1992)