Shaping Long sentences
Definition of long sentence – more than 20 words They are necessary for complex ideas (as necessary as short sentences are for emphasis) Considering shape is one way to help you revise long sentences so they are clear.
Identify sentences longer then two lines (Williams suggests slashes) Read aloud, asking yourself if It takes too long to get to the main verb After the verb there is a sprawl of subordinate clauses You stumble over interruptions If yes, revise.
Get to simple subject quickly Get to main verb and object quickly
Try moving a long introductory clause to the end or turning it into a sentence of its own. If, since, when, although clauses go, by convention, at the beginning of the sentence. If you use these clauses keep them short. Exception - piling on introductory clauses can add suspense.
Keep whole subjects short Avoid interrupting subject verb connection Avoid interrupting verb object connection
Some dogs, because they were abused, bite.
We must develop, if we are to become competitive with other companies, a core knowledge regarding the state of the art in effective industrial organizations. (exception - unless the interruption is shorter than the object)
Begin with the subject Make the subject short, concrete, and already known to readers (ideally characters, ideally the topic of the sentence) Put a verb directly after it Make that verb communicate a specific action
Turn subordinate clauses into sentences (ultimately, make two or more shorter sentences) Change clauses to modifying phrases Coordinate
At the end of long sentences (after main verb and object), don’t add a one phrase or clause after another. Particularly avoid tacking one relative clause onto another. Try extending the line of a sentence with resumptive, summative,and free modifiers.
Resumptive modifiers repeat the noun, adjective, or verb Since writers often use resumptive modifiers to extend a line of thought, we need a word to name what I am about to do in this sentence, a sentence that I could have ended at the comma but that I extended to show you how resumptive modifiers work.
Resumptive modifiers repeat the noun, adjective, or verb It was American writers who found a voice that was both true and lyrical, true to the rhythms of the workings man’s speech and lyrical in its celebration of his labor.
Summative modifiers repeat the entire idea Economic changes have reduced Russian population to less then zero, a demographic event that will have serious social implications
Rather than repeat a key word or an entire idea, free modifiers comment on the subject of the nearest verb. They are “free” because they can begin or end a sentence. Cars are key to suburban life, offering citizens both mobility and security. De Vinci was a man of powerful intellect, driven by curiosity and haunted by perfection We began to assist German, aware we faced war.
Link clauses at the end of the sentence through coordination (and, or) Put shorter elements first Make coordinated elements parallel (108)