1 We welcome comments and feedback from these power points to If you would like take our membership class with power point, please visit our website at
2 Based on the divine teachings of A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada International Society of Krishna Consciousness
Healing Words Life Giving Water
Be Free with Your Compliments
Don Sutton’s Motivation Los Angeles Dodgers pitcher Don Sutton hadn’t won a game in 8 weeks. The press was suggesting that he be dropped from the starting lineup. The future looked bleak, and Sutton felt terrible. Then, before a game, Dodgers manager Walter Alston tapped him on the shoulder. "I’d like to speak with you, Don," he said.
Home Team Advantage
Pittsburgh Marathon
Every Opportunity Pour healing waters wherever you go. Be bold enough to tell people.
Never Forget William Arthur Ward said, "Flatter me, and I may not believe you. Criticize me, and I may not like you. Ignore me, and I may not forgive you. Encourage me, and I will not forget you."
Thoughts Don’t Bless Anyone Krishna encourages Arjuna by repeatedly reminding him of his prowess & lineage: ‘strong armed, mighty, winner of wealth, best of the Kurus’
Reap What You Sow If you lift people up, in your time of need somebody will be there to help lift you up. Get What You Give
Los Angeles Krishna Kanti “Nothing more powerful than someone pursuing their dream. Don’t interfere.”
Mukunda Goswami It seems that we still don’t recognize one another’s achievements enough. Are we afraid to offer praise and to compliment one another? Too often our leaders don’t seem to “catch devotees doing something right.” Although such heedlessness is only human, devotees are meant to perfect their ability to show love and gratitude, to encourage, inspire, and enlighten others on the path of devotional service. Mukunda Goswami, Vyas Puja Offering
Like a Rain Cloud You are carrying the nectarean waters of Krishna consciousness as a huge cloud carries the waters of the ocean. And you have poured your misery- dispelling and life-giving mercy- showers over the most intensely burning Western parts of the world. Vyas Puja Sacitananda Swami Prabhupada's encouraging words inspired us to hope that one day we could actually become genuinely devoted and live up to the high expectations which he had for us. Tamal Krishna
Krishna would join in the fun, and He would laugh and compliment His friends on their prowess. Pastimes of Krishna BTG Krishna so favors His pure, unalloyed devotee that He is more pleased to see honor and respect shown His devotee than to receive such glorification Himself, just as the father is more appreciative of a compliment to his favorite son than to himself. Vyap Puja Offering GBC
Healer When you reach out, telling people their best days are ahead, God’s voice is blended with your voice
Basement or Balcony? Basement people are the negative influences in our lives and their words go something like this: "You can't do that." "That's a stupid thing to do." "When are you going to get it right?" "You will never get it right." "You will never amount to anything." They constantly point out what is wrong, rather than what is right with us. Balcony people are are full of love and cheer us on. They encourage us to be loving, courageous followers of Krishna. They sit in the balcony of our lives like a heavenly cheering section, saying, "You can do it." "We believe in you." "You are special to us."
Ultimate Blessing A pious washerwoman tripped and fell and dropped her bundle off her head. She prayed to Krishna. He appeared and asked, "What do you want?" She answered, "O dear Lord! Please lift this load back on my head!" BTG Healer, Heal Thyself
Ultimate Speech Actual speech is that which describes the qualities of the Lord, real hands are those that work for Him, a true mind is that which always remembers Him dwelling within everything moving and nonmoving, and actual ears are those that listen to sanctifying topics about Him. SB 10/80/03
Ultimate Healing Ultimate healing is pure devotional service to the Lord, and somewhat paradoxically, it's only when nothing else matters to us but this pure devotion that we'll be completely healed. Pure devotees who teach this secret are the only faith healers worthy of the name. BTG Article “Heal Thyself” e
Ultimate Welfare Great personalities of the material world are very eager to render welfare service to human society, but ultimately no one can render better service than one who distributes the knowledge of spiritual realization in relation with the Supreme Personality of Godhead. - Srimad- Bhagavatam Purport