Step up to Access
Awards Progression Award/Certificate Adult Numeracy Adult Literacy IT Key skills
Structure Up until 23 rd October you will take Level 1 Award for Progression – you will need to complete a portfolio Numeracy test at E3 Literacy test at Level 1
Academic Board At the beginning of November, we will decide whether you are able to progress onto Level 2 of the course. You will be able to take Level 2 Certificate for Progression Numeracy Level 1 Literacy Level 2 IT Key Skills Level 1
Getting onto Level 2 You MUST have the following Passed all of the Level 1 course, having handed in a complete portfolio Have 95% attendance (Childrens illnesses/holidays/hospital stays do NOT exempt you) Have no warnings for lateness, mobile phones, eating/drinking in class
Progression to Access To get onto the Access course you need Literacy at Level 2 A complete L2 Certificate for Progression Good Attendance
What if? If you find you are unable to progress to Level 2, we will suggest you work on your Basic Skills, concentrating on your literacy and numeracy If you are unable to progress to Access because you didn’t get your Level 2 Literacy, you should spend time topping up your literacy skills
You do really well If you attend all your sessions, finish your work to an outstanding level AND pass literacy at level 2, there may be a chance you could be transferred to Access. You must feel confident at being able to catch up
Task 4.1 State two responsibilities during the college day A. Explain why you should not take a switched-on mobile phone into class. What should you do if you get and urgent phone call? B. Explain why you shouldn’t eat or drink in class. What should you do if you are hungry or thirsty?
Group task Work in pairs and think up ten rules that will help you succeed in college (a few of them are in this Powerpoint!) We will discuss your ideas and make out a learner contract for you to sign.