REVISING THE DIGITAL STRATEGY The American Society For Nutrition [ASN]
WHAT WE KNOW: STRENGTHS Prestigious Journals Success of Conference/Annual Meeting “Cutting Edge” research: Abstracts Legacy WEAKNESSES Inconsistent branding Website navigation Buried content on website Unclear segmentation on website OPPORTUNITIES Prestige Desirability of CE Conference inclusion Broaden portfolio of stakeholders Synchronization of branding Promote exclusivity and benefits of membership Promote current members THREATS Competition Crowded search results of “ASN” Inconsistent social media marketing Limited resources
OUR AUDIENCE Laura Bond : Health Blog Editor Claudia Bauer : German Research Associate Tara Barnes : Physician’s Assistant Tom Corbit : Kinesiology Student
THE DIGITAL STRATEGY GOALS Communicate value of membership to potential and current members. Disseminate science based nutrition information to fellow scientists and the media. Raise awareness to promote: Journal content Attendance at Professional Events Advocacy opportunities ASN Foundation
MEASURES OF SUCCESS Increase and diversify membership Increase attendance at professional events Gain earned media Increase interest from international organizations and institutions working towards partnership opportunities Improve social media engagement
STRATEGY 1: OPTIMIZE THE WEBSITE Content : Problem: The Home page of the ASN Website does not clearly identify the intended user population. Solution: Answer following questions on home page: 1.Who/What is the ASN? 2.What is mission? 3. Who is eligible for membership? "Our membership is restricted to industry professionals who create, translate and disseminate nutrition science."
STRATEGY 1: OPTIMIZE THE WEBSITE Design : Reorganize website Make it structurally consistent Simplify text Scan-able content Bullets Hyperlinks
STRATEGY 1: OPTIMIZE THE WEBSITE S.E.O : Optimize ASN appearance on Google Search with strategic keywords Embed keywords specific to broad audience Create Google AdWord campaigns Low cost, high reach Create a Google Plus account, to aid appearance of ASN in Google Search
STRATEGY 2: BRANDING Increase ASN Branding on journal publication websites Leverage prestige of scientific journals Create brand equity (an intangible asset of association made by the consumer) by branding ASN as a “premium” scientific source organization Exclusionary, prestigious = desirable “We are involved in the lifespan of your career.” For students: Market ASN as a “Rite of Passage” towards a successful career
STRATEGY 2: BRANDING Make each branch (website url, social media and conference name) have a consistent identity URL: (does this actually convey what ASN does/means?) Social Conference: Experimental Biology Leverage the popularity of the Experimental Biology conference success
STRATEGY 3: ACTIVATE SOCIAL MEDIA Develop a social media editorial calendar Surface and repurpose buried content Leverage student member “work force”
STRATEGY 3: ACTIVATE SOCIAL MEDIA A SOCIAL MEDIA CALENDAR Date Social Channel Time of Post Copy Hashtags Author Approval Pre-schedule Source:
STRATEGY 3: ACTIVATE SOCIAL MEDIA LEVERAGE YOUR BEST ASSETS Infographic in public affairs tab “Chunk out” to use in social
STRATEGY 3: ACTIVATE SOCIAL MEDIA PUT STUDENT MEMBERS TO WORK Get value from low-cost memberships Recruit students at sign-up Waive membership fee for the commitment to social posts Invite best writers to contribute to ASN blog
STRATEGY 3: ACTIVATE SOCIAL MEDIA HASHTAG CONFERENCE Consider using the same hashtag annually, specific to that year’s conference ex. #exbio2015 Ensure coordination between all channels and printed collateral Add hashtag to swag that attendees will use often, such as water bottle
THE WILD INITIATIVE “The New ASN” = A new logo, including the full name, not just the acronym (heavy competition). A new slogan
THE WILD INITIATIVE “The New ASN” = Preform focus groups What does ASN mean to the target audience? How does the target audience want to be reached? Partner with organizations Facilitate memberships Increases exposure Leverages branding: who would help promote the ‘prestige’ of ASN? Partner with regional and local health collaborative to extend the reach of ASN to lay consumers
WHAT DID WE LEARN? Complicated Many points-of-entry Multiple stakeholders Limited resources inspire creativity Digital strategies are an iterative process that will need to adapt and adjust with time Prioritizing is key