Seminar 3 Instructor: Bina Roginsky, Psy.D Social Relationships in Childhood
The Basics Let’s start with what you know When do kids’ begin to recognize gender differences? When do these differences play out socially? Have you seen this play out in your own life?
A historical perspective on gender… Do you think that the views on what constitutes “masculine” and “feminine” has changed? How? What are the prototypes of men and women that come to your minds? Do you think that these are similar to what school-aged children envision? Is there any images, qualities, or attributes that you would like to promote in the younger generation?
Stages 7 months – differentiate male and female voices 12 months – differentiate male and female faces 2 years - use gender stereotypes in play 2-3 years – labeling 3-4 years – typing 4-6 years – gender scripts Source: owth-Development/AgesStages.htm
What do you think? How do these steps coincide with the theories covered in the first part of your reading? How might American culture view and communicate gender roles differently than other societies? What are some activities that may send specific gender messages to children to be mindful of?
Gender-related/specific disorders Anorexia Body Dysmorphic Disorder Gender Identity Disorder Externalizing v Internalizing
Adolescents What role does the emergence of secondary sexual characteristics play? Which gender has better outcomes? What have you noticed the teens currently do to accentuate their sexuality? What are your thoughts on the current early age of sexual behavior among teens? What does this tell us about our understanding sex and social roles?
This week Begin projects Reading One discussion board thread Research your topic with any questions/ideas!