PH Theme 3 R&D Meeting with WP leaders 3/7/2008
Overview of WP’s
In total now 31 FTE engaged on the projects (out of 56 FTE initially foreseen for ) Fellows budget overcommitted in 2008 and 2009 ( kCHF) NO fellows can be taken in Nov ‘08 (May ‘09) committee Doct students, there is room for ~2 DOCT/TECH students to be requested at the next committee (approx. priority WP9, WP7, WP6, WP1, WP10)
Materials budget To be reviewed at the end of August – 2008 provision – 2009 request
2-phase LHC upgrade Phase I: Linac4 + new NbTi triplets 2013, after ~normal shut-down period Towards peak luminosity ~3*10 34 ATLAS upgrade: pixel b-layer CMS upgrades: new pixel detector (+ stages muon end-cap chambers) LHCb: many electronics/trigger upgrades to make better use of available luminosity
2-phase LHC upgrade Phase II: LPSPL + PS2 + LHC interaction region upgrades , after 18-month shut-down period Towards peak luminosity ~10*10 34 Many upgrades, both for ATLAS and CMS Foreseen sequence of technical/approval documents for the experiments: LoI mid 2009 TP mid 2010 TDR mid 2011
WP’s shall stay in line with needs Discussion with the experiments are important to stay in line with the needs and the time-scales of the upgrades ! Be prepared to report on your communication channels Need clear written lists of foreseen annual deliverables (and achievements!) of your WP
Adaptation? A few issues of adaptation, as noticed by me: – WP1: More partners ? – WP4: how to react to shorter SLHC timescale – WP6: organise a broader forum with expt representatives to set up the work plan. What to do with the many 3D integration activities? – WP7: growing need for materials studies (e.g. structural, thermal). Can we fold these into WP7 (by adding resources)?
For discussion Standardised written reporting format? Need for common web pages, EDMS? How to follow up on the faculty meetings, or other form to inform the department in a broad sense.