REDD+ FOR THE GUIANA SHIELD Technical Cooperation Project Session 5 – Conclusion session Marie Calmel, ONF International December 11 th, 2013 2 nd Steering.


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Presentation transcript:

REDD+ FOR THE GUIANA SHIELD Technical Cooperation Project Session 5 – Conclusion session Marie Calmel, ONF International December 11 th, nd Steering Committee Meeting, Macapá

Presentation outline  MoU with the Guiana Shield Facility (GSF)  Validation of meeting outcomes (principle, budget & calendar, who)  Next Steering Committee Meeting

MoU with the Guiana Shield Facility (GSF)  MoU between ONF (as the project holder) and GSF  Comments have been made and discussed between ONF, ONFI and GSF  Documents under legal review  Purpose:  The purpose of this MOU is to provide a framework of cooperation and facilitate collaboration between the Parties, on a non-exclusive [and non-binding] basis, in areas of common interest.  In order to streamline future collaboration among the Guiana Shield countries that are participating in both the GSF and ONF initiatives, this MOU is to provide the framework for exchange of technical and other strategic information on REDD+, enhance capacity at national and community levels to sustainably manage forest ecosystems for achieving REDD+, and contribute to data sharing and regional technical cooperation and capacity building that the two projects will develop, in order to increase ownership and participation, and to sustain the gains made during implementation of the GSF and the REDD+ for the Guiana Shield Project held by ONF.  This MOU, in no way, prejudices the obligation of either Party to their respective donors.

ONF – GSF MoU  The Parties agree to cooperate in the following areas of activity:  The exchange and consolidation of technical and other strategic information in the area of REDD+ and Land-Use planning, in Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana and the Amapá state of Brazil, as well as in other bearing in mind the need to observe national sovereignty in pursuit of transboundary collaboration and to follow the respective project data sharing policies;  To enhance human and institutional capacities for effective monitoring and management of Guiana Shield forest ecosystems, including by enabling the different projects to have access to the other project data and information.  To initiate and conclude discussion on the alignment between the strategic priorities of the GSF and those of ONF with respect to sustaining the gains made during implementation of the GSF and ONF initiatives within the Guiana Shield eco-region, upon their respective donors acceptance.  Next steps :  Validation of the principle by SC members.  Legal review by Parties.  Draft sent to SC members end of December

Points to be validated  Country/State Level Support – “À la carte”  Principle:  Part of the project budget will be reoriented to Country Level Support  This Country Level Support will be provided through technical expertise (ONFI or subcontracted by ONFI) focusing on the project’s thematic components  Budget: 70k€ to be spent in 2014 ( 2.5% of the project – 45k€ to be spent before the next SC meeting), including:  20 man-days expertise per country  With international mission(s) per country  Based on country ….?s  Next Steps:  Focal Points together with their hosting organizations identify the priorities within the Wish List – end of December  Compiling and Preparation of ToRs (budget, activities, expertise, calendar) by the Focal Points – end of January  Discussions with countries and contracting – until end of February  Starting implementation - March

Points to be validated  PhD opportunities (PhD on spatial projection of future deforestation – CIRAD)  Principle:  Integration of the CIRAD Forêt PhD in the project  Budget: 55k€ until end of 2015 ( 2% of the project – 15k€ before next SCM), including:  Critical review of the existing models  GIS Data collection and preparation of the GIS Database  Development of an open access model (tbc in discussion with CIRAD)  Participation to the capacity building effort  Next Steps:  Translation of the technical content of the ONF/CIRAD MoU – December 15 th  Legal discussion between CIRAD and ONFG  Sending of the complete MoU to SC members (non-objection/validation) – 2 nd week of January  Feedbacks from donors and SC – end-January

Points to be validated  PhD opportunities (PhD on model of REDD+ and LUP policies and measures impacts  Principle:  This PhD opportunity should be launched as soon as possible  Budget: 70k€ + functioning costs ( x% of the project) – expenses will not start before next SCM  Next Steps:  PhD concept note paper shared with SC members – Project Manager – End of January  SC members feedback – Mid-February

Points to be validated  Studies to be implemented – Production of LULCC historical map at regional level  Principle:  The budget available for the Forest Cover Monitoring study is reoriented to produce a regional scale data set.  Subcontracted activity  Budget: 30k€ (all spent before next SCM)  Next Steps:  Under discussion among technical experts from ONF/ONFI as well as other partners in French Guiana  preparation of the ToRs  ToRs shared with the SC – mid January  Feedback to be sent before end of January  Implementation - Data to be provided by the end of March (if possible)

Points to be validated  Studies to be implemented – Study on identifying drivers of deforestation and creating a GIS database on Drivers at regional level  Principle:  The identification of drivers and GIS data is made by the CIRAD PhD student, with ONF GIS experts support  The database is developed and administrated by the ONF GIS experts  Collection of data throughout the project’s lifetime  Budget: 24k€ (14k€ before next SCM)  Next Steps:  ToR of the GIS database under discussion among ONF/ONFI and CIRAD  ToRs to be sent to SC members by Project Manager – End of January  Feedback of the SC members until mid-February

Points to be validated  Data Management  Principle:  Development of a web collaborative platform (website) to share data of the project (reports, PPT, collected data, produced data, etc.)  Data sharing policies should be developed before sharing uploading data  Online tools will be administrated by the project team (ONFI – Saba Loftus and Rachida Le Jeannic)  Budget: 1.5k€ for 2 years  Next Steps:  Saba prepare a draft for Data Sharing policies with the SC members – Mid-January  Feedback expected by the SC members early February for development of the tools

Points to be validated  Working groups  Principle:  ToRs will be reviewed based on comments and communicated to SC members  A calendar will be prepared of topics to be discussed during those 6 WG meetings (start focusing on the first 3 meetings)  2 WG meetings organized before next SCM  Conference call tool to be developed for Webinar options in between WG meetings  Budget: 150k€ including minimum 6 WG (25k€ each) / 50k€ until next SCM  Next Steps:  Reviewed ToRs sent in a week from now - Sergio  SC members list their priority topics and send feedback by end of December  Compiling the information from the different organizations and sending an updated list of topics and calendar of Working Group Meetings – Sergio & Saba – mid-January  First WG meeting – End of February  Second WG meeting to be decided (early April?)

Points to be validated  Working groups  Principle:  Training and Technology Transfer Plans will be prepared  Budget: 216k€ + 80k€ (nothing spent before next SC meeting)  Next Steps:  Development of the plans in a phased approach (on a 6 months basis) based on organizations feedbacks, as well as WG meetings feedbacks.  Prepared by the project team  During the next SC meeting – Submission of the consolidated TTT plans

Steering Committee  Next Steering Committee Meeting  Where? French Guiana  When? – Last week of May / first week of June  Question: do we need 2 Steering Committee meetings a year?  YES

MERCI / THANK YOU / DANK U / OBRIGADA Photo credit: ONF Guyane