Monday, October 27 th Entry Task Think back to 4.2…… Draw a diagram of a soil profile. Include and label the following: A horizon, B horizon, C horizon, Include arrows showing nutrients cycling between organisms and soil Schedule: Soil Horizons Poster Objective: I can identify how weathering and organic processes create the layers of the soil profile Homework: Soil Horizons Notes for Poster Please have on Desk: 4.2 RSG 4.2 Vocabulary
Soil Horizon A Soil Horizon B Soil Horizon C Plants and animals break down nutrients that get absorbed down into the layers Plant roots gather nutrients and bring back up to surface in them
Name_____________________________________ Date_______ Soil Horizons Poster Learning objective: to identify how weathering and organic processes create the layers of the soil profile. Activity: to create a poster that: depicts the three layers of a soil profile gives numerous facts about each layer of soil including –it’s location in relation to the other layers –what living organisms live in that layer ( incl. pictures) –what affect the organisms might have on each layer –what the soil contains ( incl. pictures) –how climate and region might affect each layer Grading: Horizon APicture (3 pts)__________ Description (3 pts)__________ Horizon BPicture (3 pts)__________ Description (3 pts)__________ Horizon CPicture (3 pts)__________ Description (3 pts)__________ Attach this half sheet to your poster when you turn it in.
Horizons Do this in your notebook before your begin your poster You can find information from your textbook in section 4.2 and in the ScienceSaurus books page 191 –For each horizon write down information about: –it’s location in relation to the other layers –what living organisms live in that layer –what affect the organisms might have on each layer –what the soil contains –how climate and region might affect each layer
On a scratch piece of paper….. Copy down the chart Fill it in with information about weathering helps create soil 2.How organic processes help create soil Must have at least two examples for each WeatheringOrganic processes What creates the soil profile
Tuesday, October 28 th Entry Task Answer the following questions using full sentences, IQIA. 1.What are the main ingredients of soil? 2.How do climate and landforms affect soils characteristics? 3.How do the activities of organisms affect the characteristics of soil? 4.Describe 4 properties of soil? Schedule: Soil Poster Homework: Finish Soil Poster – due Tomorrow Objective: I can identify how weathering and organic processes create the layers of the soil profile Please have on desk: Soil Horizon Notes
1.The main ingredients of soil are weathered rock particles, organic matter, water and air. 2.Climate affects soil by affecting the rate and type of weathering that forms soil. Different types of soil form in different climates. Landforms may affect soil because soil can wash down slopes to flatter land during and after rainfalls. 3.Organisms affect the characteristics of soil by decomposing organic matter, helping to cycle nutrients, mixing and loosening soil and forming humus as they decompose 4.The four properties of soil are texture which is determined by the size of weathered rock particles, color which is an indication of content and water mobility, pore space which is the spaces between particles and chemistry which is the pH of soil
Wednesday, October 29 th Entry Task Start working on finishing your poster! You will need to be done and turn it in 30 minutes into class. Schedule: Finish Poster Rates of Weathering Climate and Soil Objective: I can understand important information about soil Homework 4.2 Take Home Quiz Please have on desk: Soil Poster
Most weathering occurs over long periods of time – hundreds, thousands, or even millions of years.Most weathering occurs over long periods of time – hundreds, thousands, or even millions of years. There are 3 Influential factors:There are 3 Influential factors: –Surface area –Rock composition –Climate
The more of a rock’s surface that is exposed to air and water, the faster the rock will break down.The more of a rock’s surface that is exposed to air and water, the faster the rock will break down.
Different kinds of rock break down at different rates.Different kinds of rock break down at different rates.
Chemical weathering occurs faster in hot, wet regions than it does in cold, dry regions.Chemical weathering occurs faster in hot, wet regions than it does in cold, dry regions. Mechanical weathering caused by freezing and thawing occurs more in cold regions than in hot regions.Mechanical weathering caused by freezing and thawing occurs more in cold regions than in hot regions.
Thursday, October 30 th Entry Task Decide if the following sentences are true. If they are write them down as is, if they are not correct them. 1.Weathering can be caused by mechanical and chemical processes 2.Soil builds up entirely from weathered rocks. 3.Weathering proceeds most quickly in warm, dry areas. Schedule: Dirt Alert Asarco Article Homework: 4.3 Read/RSG Objective: I can understand how human activity can affect soil Please have on your desk 4.2 Take Home Quiz
Entry Task Questions 1.Weathering can be caused by mechanical and chemical processes TRUE 2.Soil builds up entirely from weathered rocks. FALSE- SOIL BUILDS UP FROM WEATHERED ROCKS, WATER, AIR AND ORGANIC MATERIALS 3.Weathering proceeds most quickly in warm, dry areas. FALSE- WEATHERING PROCEEDS MOST QUICKLY IN MILD, WET AREAS
Close Read- Asarco Read the article with “Pen in Hand” What that looks like: –Highlight, underline, or circle important information and vocabulary. –Write questions in the margins –Write notes in the margins
1.What is the problem? 2.Where is the problem? 3.What is the state standard of arsenic levels in soil? 4.For the 3 university place parks, what were their levels of arsenic? Is this a problem? 5.What is the city of UP’s plan of action? 6.How does the tainted soil affect the Curran Apple orchard? 7.Is it bad to eat apples from there? 8.Colegate/Curtis is the park right outside our school, how are they going to “clean” it up?
Friday, October 31 st Entry Task Answer the following questions using full sentences, IQIA 1.Why is soil a necessary resource? 2.How do land-use practices in farming, construction and development, and mining affect soil? 3.Describe at least three methods of soil conservation Schedule: 4.3 Vocabulary Chapter 4 crossword Homework: Complete anything not done in class Objective: I can understand important information about weathering and soil Please have on your desk 4.3 RSG
4.2 and 4.3 Questions Need to be done in notebook Need to be full sentences, IQIA 4.2 questions –Page 129 –# questions –Page 136 –#1-7