CIVITAS Forum, Casablanca 2014 Project Manager Troels Andersen City of Odense, Denmark GETTING THE MOST OUT OF CIVITAS 2020
ODENSE A 1000 year old city Nearly 200,000 inhabitants 3rd largest city in Denmark 30,000 students An attractive, reasonably compact, garden city.
CIVITAS MOBILIS Environmental zones 2.Green waves and countdown for cyclists and pedestrians 3.Interactive info screen 4.Scanners for cyclists 5.Bus priority scheme 6.Advanced information services 7.Marketing and media campaigns 8.Car free families 9.Interactive training tool for cyclists 10.Personal transport choice marketing 11.Testing of bicycle trailers 12.Cycle traffic model 13.Public bike pumps
LESSONS LEARNED CIVITAS highers the level of quality One step in a new direction Model for mobility Today Odense is the Danish frontrunner : 1.Through going car traffic is removed 2.Bridge across the canal 3.Ring roads completed 4.Light rail funded and in progress 5.34 mobility projects
RECOMMENDATIONS 1.Good partners 2.Innovative projects 3.Technical developments 4.Universities doesn’t always fit in 5.Citizen participation 6.Local press relations 7.Political involvement is money in the bank
Project Manager Troels Andersen City of Odense, Denmark THANK YOU!